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Test : LightScribe 1.2 CD-R and an "old" burner

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Test : LightScribe 1.2 CD-R and an "old" burner

Postby ItalianJob on Sat Dec 30, 2006 9:35 pm

In a local store, I find a box of 10 Philips 52X 700Mb CD-R "LightScribe 1.2" for 15 euros.


As for my old "Philips CD-R LS v1.0", it's Moser Baer that made the "data" side :

So will my "old" LS burner (a LG GSA-4166 firmware 1.02 - DVD 16X, 5X DVD-RAM and LightScribe ) support LS 1.2 ?

Let's see ! I flip the disc and...

The Nero Cover Designer preview doesn't work :
(There's a direct link to download a new updated "LH_HSI.exe" driver.)

The "about" windows shows "unsupported disc" :

So my old LightScribe driver (LH_HSI.exe that worked fine with LS v1.0 is dead for v1.2 discs... :-? Well, so, I update the driver ( => :oops: ) and restart Windows...

And... and... and... It runs again =D> The LS v1.2 disc is seen, the Nero Cover Designer preview works and seems fast.

I have now to do a real "print" test, but I'm sure it will work fine...
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Postby Ian on Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:31 pm

Yeah, its not so much the drive, but the LightScribe drivers.

This reminds me that I have some color discs that I still need to try.
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