by CCampbell on Tue May 02, 2006 4:37 pm
Hi Tony_Bedford,
Yes, I did see your post and others. And as I mentioned, I'm still looking into this, as some customers are running into issues, but not everyone. And so I need to find the 'catalyst' that causes this update process to fail. Once I am able to duplicate the problem, I can have our Engineers isolate the cause and resolve it.
As for Nero's General Clean tool 'hosing' your system, I must admit you are the very first person I've heard this happen too with our Clean Tool. Many have been using it time and time again without their system getting 'hosed'.
As for why is it different from Nero 6, that's simple enough. We had many customers complaining about the need to download 5 different components, and files that are 30MB or larger. So we have moved to the 'Microsoft Installer' to try and avoid install problems, and to provide an alternative to downloading a 30MB file or to know what file to download and where to download it from.
I'll admit this has been a bumpy start, but we are slowly working out the bugs in the installer, and hope to very soon have a solid process that no longer has these problems during installation update.