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Teac dv-w50d vs Lg gsa 4040b


Teac dv-w50d vs Lg gsa 4040b

Postby Har on Sat Sep 13, 2003 9:02 pm

I can buy Teac for €200 and the Lg for €250, will be using it to backup files from my home computer specially the photos from my digital camera. I don't think the DVD-Ram si very important to me although I don't quite know what's the difference between all these formats. Just want a nice drive which won't be media outdated in a short time that's why I've chosen dual format.
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Postby Har on Mon Sep 15, 2003 6:34 pm

Can anyone please give me an opinion!
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Postby Ian on Mon Sep 15, 2003 6:50 pm

There are plenty of comments about both drives in the forum. Do a search and see what people have had to say.
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Postby Telstar on Mon Sep 15, 2003 8:09 pm

Har wrote:Can anyone please give me an opinion!

Since you stated that you didn't think the DVD-RAM function was important to you, then why pay €50 more for something you don't need? Besides the LG model currently doesn't have very good firmware support for 4X DVD-R burning, while the TEAC (an OEM of the Pioneer 106D) does. Another good candidate for your need is the NEC ND-1300A, which is probably much ceaper than both models that you are considering.
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Postby Har on Tue Sep 16, 2003 2:11 pm

The NEC is more expensive than the TEAC. And I've read somewhere that it is rather picky about media types.
Is the DVD-RAm function important?
Is the DVD+-R/RW the future won't they create an intermediate format?
I would hate to discover in a few months I'd thrown my money out the window.
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Postby Ian on Tue Sep 16, 2003 3:09 pm

Har wrote:Is the DVD-RAm function important?
Is the DVD+-R/RW the future won't they create an intermediate format?

Only you can determine whether or not DVD-RAM is important. Do you have needs where DVD-RAM is the best choice?

I haven't heard of anyone working on an intermediate format. Most are just looking forward to the blue laser technology on the way.
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