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TDK veloCD 48/16/48 CD-RW - $39.97 @ TigerDirect

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TDK veloCD 48/16/48 CD-RW - $39.97 @ TigerDirect

Postby Ian on Thu Feb 13, 2003 12:55 am

TigerDirect has the TDK veloCD 48/16/48 (or 48/24/48.. same drive) on sale for $39.97 after a $40 rebate.


http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications ... 4-2058%20p

This drive can easily be overclocked to the veloCD 52/24/48 or a Lite-On LTR-52246S.
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Postby dhc014 on Thu Feb 13, 2003 1:17 am

w000000000000t! I need a Lite-ON from this generation! so tempting and I have an account with TigerDirect... How did I miss this deal? Thanks.
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Re: TDK veloCD 48/16/48 CD-RW - $39.97 @ TigerDirect

Postby Wedge Maniac on Thu Feb 13, 2003 11:28 am

Ian wrote:This drive can easily be overclocked to the veloCD 52/24/48 or a Lite-On LTR-52246S.

I have this drive: model 4800B
How can I overclock it to burn at 52x?
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Re: TDK veloCD 48/16/48 CD-RW - $39.97 @ TigerDirect

Postby JRoDDz on Thu Feb 13, 2003 1:59 pm

Wedge Maniac wrote:
Ian wrote:This drive can easily be overclocked to the veloCD 52/24/48 or a Lite-On LTR-52246S.

I have this drive: model 4800B
How can I overclock it to burn at 52x?

You have to download the LITEON firmware and then do a flashfix on it. Then you run it. I have the same drive, it's now a Liteon 52X. Awesome drive.
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