by bfrandse on Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:50 pm
I have the following drives:
LiteOn 411S - FS0K
Toshiba 5112 - 1033 (X33)
BenQ 1620 - B7W9
NEC 3550a - 1.05 (1.Y5)
I had previously only purchased "cheap after rebate" office store media (Office Max, Staples, KHypermedia, Imation, Playo, Teon, StarLogic) that were typically CMC MAG various versions (and actually burn exceptionally well on the NEC) or trash discs like PRINCO, AML, UME01.
After horrendous results on these media on the 3 former drives, I purchased the NEC and decided to also spend a bit more and try some TY, since I had excellent results with their CD quality, even on the LiteOn drive.
As of yet, I havn't gotten to test for the best drive/burn speed on the "good" TY discs, I was going through all my cheap discs first. Once I do that, I will then do a CD Speed burn onto the comet disc at the best identified speed/drive and post the comparison. So that could mean a few weeks before I get all the good TY's checked for best burn and then get to the comet (and hopefully not find any more comets)
BTW--The TY discs are authentic. Guarenteed by the seller and have the correct serial number stamped into the hub.