Oh God, they're screwing it up even more. Star Trek: Enterprise wasn't that great, and they were constantly chucking established continuity out the window. I"m a very big Star Trek fan (since it first went into syndication in the early 70's), and I was very glad they finally cancelled Enterprise.
One of the lamest story possibilties was doing a Starfleet Academy series. Well they had several episodes on ST:TNG, ST:DS9, and ST:V (and now ST:E) that took place at Starfleet Academy. Not to mention they had a Star Trek Academy comic from Malibu/Marvel with Nog (Quark's nephew). It's been done.
They also talked about the original characters Kirk, Spock, McCoy in the younger years at Starfleet Academy. Which is what they're talking about now. (Another very bad idea.) Again, this will screw up continuity. Yes Kirk and McCoy might have known each other before they were on the Enterprise, but neither Kirk nor McCoy meet Spock until after Kirk became Captain of the Enterprise. If I had a choice of no Star Trek vs someone making a Trek film that's crap/destroys established continuity, then I would prefer no new Trek.
After, Star Trek:Voyager was finished, there was alot of talk about what other shows they could do, some very good ones. Instead they went way too far into the past (the 22nd century, "one hundred years before Kirk and the original Star Trek show").
1) The Earliest I would have gone would be to the beginning of the original Enterprise (early 23rd century). The first Captain was Robert April and after him was Christopher Pike. Captain Kirk was the third Captain of the Enterprise. I would have the Trek show being either with April or Pike.
2) Between Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan was a period of about 7-8 years. Kirk had the Enterprise for another 5 year mission. That's another idea for a Trek show.
3) Star Trek's 2, 3, 4, and 5 all took place closely together. There's a few years between Star Trek 5 and Star Trek 6. About this time is when Sulu became Captain of the Excelsior. They could have done a Trek show with Sulu and the Excelsior. (George Takei was actually campaigning this.)
4) At the same time period in Star Trek: Generations, Starfleet launched the Enterprise-B (a modified Excelsior class ship). They could do a Trek show on the Enterprise-B.
5) Between Star Trek: Generations and Star Trek: The Next Generation series, there's about 60 years. After the Enterprise-B, there was the Enterprise-C which was destroyed about 20 years before ST:TNG. Yet another Trek show could be done with the Enterprise-C.
All of these are excellent story ideas that Paramount could do. (Instead we got Star Trek: Enterprise and know this).
Oh man, I need to take some aspirin, I'm getting a headache.