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Star Trek XI On The Way!?

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Star Trek XI On The Way!?

Postby Ian on Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:09 pm

According to this, the 11th Star Trek movie is a go. It also looks like its getting the prequel treatment.

http://www.variety.com/article/VR111794 ... =1&s=h&p=0

J.J. Abrams is becoming the next Gene Roddenberry.
Paramount is breathing life into its "Star Trek" franchise by setting "Mission: Impossible III" helmer J.J. Abrams to produce and direct the 11th "Trek" feature, aiming for a 2008 release.

Damon LindelofDamon Lindelof and Bryan Burk, Abrams' producing team from "Lost," also will produce the yet-to-be-titled feature.

Project, to be penned by Abrams and "MI3" scribes Alex Kurtzman and Roberto OrciRoberto Orci, will center on the early days of seminal "Trek" characters James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock, including their first meeting at Starfleet Academy and first outer space mission.
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Postby Morpheus on Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:40 pm

Oh God, they're screwing it up even more. Star Trek: Enterprise wasn't that great, and they were constantly chucking established continuity out the window. I"m a very big Star Trek fan (since it first went into syndication in the early 70's), and I was very glad they finally cancelled Enterprise.

One of the lamest story possibilties was doing a Starfleet Academy series. Well they had several episodes on ST:TNG, ST:DS9, and ST:V (and now ST:E) that took place at Starfleet Academy. Not to mention they had a Star Trek Academy comic from Malibu/Marvel with Nog (Quark's nephew). It's been done.

They also talked about the original characters Kirk, Spock, McCoy in the younger years at Starfleet Academy. Which is what they're talking about now. (Another very bad idea.) Again, this will screw up continuity. Yes Kirk and McCoy might have known each other before they were on the Enterprise, but neither Kirk nor McCoy meet Spock until after Kirk became Captain of the Enterprise. If I had a choice of no Star Trek vs someone making a Trek film that's crap/destroys established continuity, then I would prefer no new Trek.

After, Star Trek:Voyager was finished, there was alot of talk about what other shows they could do, some very good ones. Instead they went way too far into the past (the 22nd century, "one hundred years before Kirk and the original Star Trek show").

1) The Earliest I would have gone would be to the beginning of the original Enterprise (early 23rd century). The first Captain was Robert April and after him was Christopher Pike. Captain Kirk was the third Captain of the Enterprise. I would have the Trek show being either with April or Pike.

2) Between Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan was a period of about 7-8 years. Kirk had the Enterprise for another 5 year mission. That's another idea for a Trek show.

3) Star Trek's 2, 3, 4, and 5 all took place closely together. There's a few years between Star Trek 5 and Star Trek 6. About this time is when Sulu became Captain of the Excelsior. They could have done a Trek show with Sulu and the Excelsior. (George Takei was actually campaigning this.)

4) At the same time period in Star Trek: Generations, Starfleet launched the Enterprise-B (a modified Excelsior class ship). They could do a Trek show on the Enterprise-B.

5) Between Star Trek: Generations and Star Trek: The Next Generation series, there's about 60 years. After the Enterprise-B, there was the Enterprise-C which was destroyed about 20 years before ST:TNG. Yet another Trek show could be done with the Enterprise-C.

All of these are excellent story ideas that Paramount could do. (Instead we got Star Trek: Enterprise and know this).

Oh man, I need to take some aspirin, I'm getting a headache. :o #-o
Last edited by Morpheus on Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Ian on Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:44 pm

lol.. You know way too much about Trek. I guess I know how people feel about me and Star Wars now. :roll:
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Postby Morpheus on Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:51 pm

lol.. You know way too much about Trek. I guess I know how people feel about me and Star Wars now.

Yeah, I'm big Trek fan. I've been watching it since around 1973. I'm very into the technology, so I have alot of the blueprints and Tech manuals. :D
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Postby Ian on Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:11 pm

I really didn't get into Star Trek until TNG. I was a pretty diehard DS9 fan in college too but lost interest with Voyager and Enterprise.
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Postby LoneWolf on Tue Apr 25, 2006 2:28 pm

I enjoyed DS9 until the final seasons that suddenly espoused really hokey changes to the Bajoran religion (trying to recall it, but my memory grows dim) and set aside everything before it that had made DS9 so great. Just my .02 .

I ReplayTV a lot of the TNG episodes on G4, but watching that I realize that about one in every 4-5 shows seems pretty hokey ten years after the fact. I need to go back and record some of the original episodes. I think they just ought to let the whole Trek thing go for a few years; the last few efforts have been average at best, dismal at worst.
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Postby Alejandra on Fri Apr 28, 2006 8:50 pm

Man, how much time passed since last visit here.

Well I´m a trekkie, if this movie is released I'll watch it.

As Ian I get in to ST when TNG hits the screen, but not at the very begining. I didn't like DS9 much, but Voyager and Enterprise sure.

Tired of hackintoshes and went with the real deal.
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Postby Ian on Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:38 pm

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