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Staples Ad - 6/22 - 7/5

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Staples Ad - 6/22 - 7/5

Postby Ian on Fri Jun 20, 2003 6:13 pm

New Staples Ad is up..


A few good deals:

Maxtor 120GB 7200RPM Hard Drive - 79.94 after $10IR and $50MIR
Buslink 52/24/52 CD-RW - $24.94 after $15iR and $30MIR (might want to check who's rebate this is. Buslink hasn't been paying up)

And the deal of the wekk is...

CenDyne 4x DVD+RW (NEC ND-1100A clone) - $159.94 after $40IR and $30 MIR

Anyone have coupons??
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Postby m0digital on Sat Jun 21, 2003 3:31 am

Buslink is Lite-on? It says Smart-Burn...

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Postby peace_frog on Sat Jun 21, 2003 11:25 pm

That buslink says $24.94 before $20.00 mail in rebate. That's $4.94. wow cheapest I've ever seen it.
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Postby Ian on Sat Jun 21, 2003 11:31 pm

I didn't even notice that. Good deal!
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Postby CDRecorder on Sun Jun 22, 2003 1:27 am

Does BusLink still use LTR-52246S drives, or have they switched to AOpen or Benq or something else?
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Postby Abell44 on Sun Jun 22, 2003 3:51 am

Here's a link to a printable coupon posted on Techbargains to use on the CenDyne:

$30.00 off $150.00
Exp 6/30/03

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Postby Dartman on Sun Jun 22, 2003 12:46 pm

They use whatever they get the best deal on lately I think. The Buslink boxes at Circuit City still were Liteons according to the buffer protection listed on the box but I think it depends on where you buy them. Some stores seem to carry whatever they can get and some have Lite Ons inside. Just check the buffer system on the box and the serial number and makes sure they have a no questions return policy if you get the wrong brand inside.
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Postby peace_frog on Sun Jun 22, 2003 5:01 pm

Ok, I bought one of the buslinks this morning and it was $54.98 and there's a $30.00 rebate to be mailed to the Staples rebate center. I showed the guy a printout of the web-page add that said $24.94 before $20.00 rebate, and he said he didn't know anything about an additional $20.00 rebate. The store circular didn't say anything about a $20.00 rebate either. Does anyone know if there's a manufacterer rebate as well for this burner? I didn't see one at Buslink's website.
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Postby m0digital on Sun Jun 22, 2003 5:13 pm

Bought the BusLink also. There was 2, 1 with Just-Link and 1 with SmartBurn. Almost picked up the Just-Link one. But this definitely is a liteon. The verbatim at BB this week is Asus at my store. Paid $50+ some bucks for it and comes with $30 mail-in rebate.
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Postby peace_frog on Sun Jun 22, 2003 5:37 pm

Yeah, but go check the link above, it says 24.94 BEFORE $20.00 rebate.
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Postby CDRecorder on Mon Jun 23, 2003 12:31 am

peace_frog wrote:Ok, I bought one of the buslinks this morning and it was $54.98 and there's a $30.00 rebate to be mailed to the Staples rebate center. I showed the guy a printout of the web-page add that said $24.94 before $20.00 rebate, and he said he didn't know anything about an additional $20.00 rebate. The store circular didn't say anything about a $20.00 rebate either. Does anyone know if there's a manufacterer rebate as well for this burner? I didn't see one at Buslink's website.

I bought the Buslink this afternoon, and I got the same story when I showed them my printout of their web page. "Maybe it's in the box", they said. Well, I doubt that the rebate is in the box, and I don't want to open it to find out because I can't return it (without 15% restocking fee) if I open it. :evil:

BTW, my Staples store only had JustLink ones, but I figured it was still worth it for only $5. Well, $5 if I can figure out how to get the $20 MIR.
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Postby CDRecorder on Mon Jun 23, 2003 12:59 am

Well, after searching everywhere I could think of, I finally gave up and opened the box. There wasn't a rebate form of any type in there.

There were a 52x24x52 AOpen CD-RW drive, a blank 80-min RiTEK CD-R, a Nero CD, an IDE cable, and an analog audio CD cable in the box. Actually, the manual seemed pretty good, too.

I guess I'll just have to call or visit Staples and ask about this.

Edit: The $30 MIR form which is downloadable at the Staples web site seems to indicate a Staples rebate, not a Buslink one. I am wondering if this elusive $20 MIR is from Buslink.
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Postby cfitz on Mon Jun 23, 2003 1:43 am

I think the mystery $20 rebate is just a typographical error. Everything else about the offer, both online and what you are reporting from the stores, is consistent with $15 instant savings and one $30 rebate making for a final cost of $25:

Buslink 52x max internal CD-RW drive
Save $45. SPECIAL BUY.
before $20 mail-in rebate
Valid Jun 22 - Jul 5

・52x write, 24x rewrite, 52x read maximum speeds
・Store and share photos and music
・$69.98 - $15 instant savings - $30 mail-in rebate = $24.94 #501614

(from http://instorespecials.staples.com/stap ... 0&offerid= )

Take out the "before $20 mail-in rebate" and everything else points to the same $25 final price. You may be able to convince Staples to honor the mistake, but I believe it truly is just a mistake.

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Postby CDRecorder on Mon Jun 23, 2003 2:02 am

Maybe it is an error. It does seem strange, though, that they put "before" rebate instead of "after" and that they got the amount wrong, too. I guess I'll have to do some more research.
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Postby CowboySlim on Mon Jun 23, 2003 12:48 pm

Does a burner for $5 qualify for this axiom?

"If it's too good to be true, it isn't."

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Postby CDRecorder on Mon Jun 23, 2003 1:55 pm

Maybe it is too good to be true. :cry:

I still haven't contacted Staples yet, though.
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Postby peace_frog on Mon Jun 23, 2003 7:17 pm

About a month ago they had the Cendynes for $9.95 after MIR and the prices are coming down.
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Postby peace_frog on Mon Jun 23, 2003 7:19 pm

They better honor it or I will sue them for false advertisement, or maybe even have thier pets assinated.
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Postby cfitz on Mon Jun 23, 2003 7:57 pm

peace_frog wrote:They better honor it or I will sue them for false advertisement, or maybe even have thier pets assinated.


:o peace_frog?? :o

Humans do make mistakes, and I don't think a typographical error constitutes false advertising. 8)

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Postby peace_frog on Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:00 pm

It was a joke cfits, jez kiddin, and I meant to say assasinated not assinated.
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Postby peace_frog on Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:01 pm

cool avatar, mind if I lift it?
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Postby cfitz on Mon Jun 23, 2003 10:12 pm

peace_frog wrote:It was a joke cfits, jez kiddin, and I meant to say assasinated not assinated.

Yeah, I wasn't really coming down on you. That's why I included the "8)" It just seemed out of character coming from the peace_frog. :wink: Also, now that you specifically mentioned the typo (I knew what you meant), I have to say that you invented a funny new word. Which is worse, being assassinated or assinated? :D

peace_frog wrote:cool avatar, mind if I lift it?

Confession time: I lifted it myself from this web page:


I normally credit sources when I borrow an image, but didn't do so this time. :oops: Of course, from the looks of that page, he lifted them all also...

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Postby burninfool on Tue Jun 24, 2003 2:26 am

Good luck on your Buslink rebates,I've been waiting 12 weeks for mine.
I've e-mailed and called their corp. office but they still give me the run around. :evil:
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Postby cfitz on Wed Jun 25, 2003 1:32 am

The typographical error on the Buslink 52x writer has been corrected, and the ad now says simply "$24.94 after mail-in rebate":

http://instorespecials.staples.com/stap ... 0&offerid=

Sorry guys. :(

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Cendyne really a good deal?

Postby Sharpedge on Sat Jun 28, 2003 11:31 pm

I started out to checkout this burner but got wrapped up in the DVD-R/DVD+R debate. Now I am totally confused!! I have a coupon so I believe I can get the drive for 129.94 which makes it seem awesome to me. But if I am getting a format that is not going to hang around I'll wait for a Dual Burner deal.

I want to be able to back up my data and create DVD movies from home videos. Please no -/+ debates.

Thank you for any info you can share.
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