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Staples Deals Until 3/29

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Staples Deals Until 3/29

Postby CowboySlim on Tue Mar 25, 2003 1:03 am

Now that the previous thread is locked, I’ll continue with a new one.

Looks as if it is true that Staples is now running two week specials.

That paper/photo cutter (#461045) on sale ($14.95 AMIR) is really terrific. I’ve used it and love it. Bought another for my daughter and she couldn’t be happier. It has special index markings on it for 8 x 10, 5 x 7, and 4 x 6 prints.

This age of digital photography has some benefits that I never anticipated when I started. I made some wallet size prints of our grandchildren from last Christmas. Then my wife asked for some wallet size prints of some shots taken last summer. I can only imagine the nightmare of searching through a drawer for some negatives, squinting through them, down to the drugstore……………… No, I had them printed out, cut to shape and in her hands in 15min.

I have double copies of all the photos burned on CD-Rs (I do multi-session burns immediately after each D/L from the camera). They will be a legacy for my daughter and her children with 10 fold the convenience of a drawer full of 35mm negatives. I just hope that the CD-R technology, as we have come to appreciate it today, lasts longer than 8 track stereo or the 5” floppies from the Wang Word Processor.

Nostalgically yours,
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Postby eliminator on Tue Mar 25, 2003 3:26 pm

Very nice ! 8)
Wake up ATI :-)
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