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CD Speed 3.21 and InfoTool 2.27 Available

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CD Speed 3.21 and InfoTool 2.27 Available

Postby Ian on Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:10 am

CD Speed v3.21
Disc Quality Test: Added support for AOpen DVD1648/AAP, AOpen 48x and 52x Combo drives and drives with a Ricoh chipset (click here for a detailed list)
Added option to show Disc Type or Book Type on main screen
Improved reading type detection
Improved write performance for external USB drives
Many small improvements and bug fixes

InfoTool v2.27
Improved read/write speed detection
Many small improvements and bug fixes
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Postby Ian on Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:13 am

"Blu-ray is just a bag of hurt." - Steve Jobs
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Postby shAf on Wed Sep 01, 2004 9:20 am

Because I wanted to copy a single 733Mb file to CD, I tried CD-DVD Speed with a TDK CD media. It defaulted for testing 90 minutes, and then when finished implied 90 minutes was too short. I tried entering 100 min, 99 min, 95 min ... but all these values were rejected (... some type of illegal parameter message).

So ... I decided 90 minutes was fine, relative to 733Mb being an equivelent 83 minutes ... and enabled overburn. However, the burned failed with a returned error message which implied (paraphrasing) the write could not be finalized (... which I might assume may have to do with writing some type of header on the CD(?) ...).

Please advise ..

1st EDIT: I have read messages that imply some drives are overburn capable and some are not. I have just run Infotool and the results make no call ... how would I know?

2nd EDIT: I cannot start a scandisk test. The "start" button is ghosted with a data CD in the drive (?)

3rd EDIT: Disregard 2nd EDIT ... the CD need data :)
tia :)
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