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Sony DRU500A problems reading DVD


Sony DRU500A problems reading DVD

Postby MonteLDS on Fri Dec 26, 2003 10:34 pm

any one ever have a problem w/ their DRU500A having a read issue, where sometimes it will be able to read your DVD and sometimes it won't. I seem to have that problem. when i toss in my simpson DVD it works sometimes... and sometimes not, along w/ some church DVDs. Not sure what is up.. any tips?
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I had this same porblem...

Postby Albo on Mon Dec 29, 2003 1:32 pm

Started out the same way on my DRU500, then it stopped reading all types of dvd media (commercial movie disks, DVD-r, Dvd-rw,Dvd+r, and Dvd+rw). It still reads and writes cd-roms, so I figured it was the DVD laser head.....sony quoted me $170 bucks to repair it. I told the CSR that I would rather buy a different drive, and use a hammer on my dru500 to expell some bad juju.

Looking into this new NEC 8X drive now.
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