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SONY DRU-500a and Serial codes


SONY DRU-500a and Serial codes

Postby bigP0179 on Sun Mar 23, 2003 5:00 pm

Could anyone tell me if the follolwing is accurate

I have been led to believe that the Sony DRU-500a writes the serial number of the drive to every DVD it writes. Hence making your copies traceable. Could anyone tell me how much truth there is to this... i have been considering getting the Sony appose to the pioneer 105 -R but for 50 quid more i can have the Sony, seems a bargin but not if trading standards are going to be knocking on my door. :-?

Any help or info would be greatly appreciated

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Re: SONY DRU-500a and Serial codes

Postby DawnLoader on Sun Mar 23, 2003 5:15 pm

bigP0179 wrote:Could anyone tell me if the follolwing is accurate

I have been led to believe that the Sony DRU-500a writes the serial number of the drive to every DVD it writes. Hence making your copies traceable. Could anyone tell me how much truth there is to this... i have been considering getting the Sony appose to the pioneer 105 -R but for 50 quid more i can have the Sony, seems a bargin but not if trading standards are going to be knocking on my door. :-?

Any help or info would be greatly appreciated


Don't know about DRU-500A writing serial numbers on discs but you do the following:

Pay for the drive in cash and never register with Sony so there is no record of who bought it. But you will not get any support from Sony, but then again you can always buy an extended warranty and you have this forum for support.
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Postby Dartman on Sun Mar 23, 2003 6:08 pm

I haven't heard anything like that from anywhere. Are you planning on doing thousands of movies then selling them every where?
Otherwise i wouldn't sweat it, they aren't going to waste the resources to track down one guy doing things for his own use and maybe a few friends.
Windows can do similar things if you use their programs wrong, or right :)
But I'm not going to worry about it and I avoid most of their phone home and register the media type stuff anyways.
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Re: SONY DRU-500a and Serial codes

Postby HyperYagami on Sun Mar 23, 2003 8:21 pm

bigP0179 wrote:Could anyone tell me if the follolwing is accurate

I have been led to believe that the Sony DRU-500a writes the serial number of the drive to every DVD it writes. Hence making your copies traceable. Could anyone tell me how much truth there is to this... i have been considering getting the Sony appose to the pioneer 105 -R but for 50 quid more i can have the Sony, seems a bargin but not if trading standards are going to be knocking on my door. :-?

Any help or info would be greatly appreciated


yes it's true, according to the pioneer/tdk/hp/etc. salesmen.
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