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Sony CRX-810E -> HELP <-

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Sony CRX-810E -> HELP <-

Postby Breda on Fri Feb 14, 2003 9:40 pm

i have a HP 8100i in my desktop computer (with the Sony CRX 100E firmware) and since i changed the firmware to the sony i had no problems recording anything but recently ive acquired a laptop that has a Sony CRX-810E which is much faster than my HP drive. But about 50% of the times that i try to record something, it starts recording and somewhere during the recording it says: write error. This happens both with Nero and CloneCD. I've been thinking of changing the firmware, but will it solve my problem ? The media i use mostly is Princo (those 2x-48x).

Thx for the help
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Postby BuddhaTB on Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:00 pm

I would try using some different media before updating the firmware. Try some Taiyo Yuden CD's. If your problem still exists after testing some other brands of CD media, then you might want to consider updating the firmware.

If you need help determining what CD's are made by Taiyo Yuden, I would check out the following thread.
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