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Sonic DLA - DVD player not working

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Sonic DLA - DVD player not working

Postby jstwstngtime on Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:59 pm

The other day i bought a new Sony DVD player and installed it in my new Dell desktop. At first the sound from the DVD player was blurred. I called Dell and we switched the Dell CD/RW and the DVD player so that the DVD was the master drive and the CD/RW was the slave. All was good and well. The DVD worked great. Then i was watching a movie and near the end it froze up and the warning Sonic DLA Drive (D) Invalid directory entry. Then it said "A disk with an unsupported format in drive "D"

I called sony back and they told me that the DVD drive was broken and i should take it back. it sounded to me like the guy didn't want to do his job.

When i put in a DVD it spins up and then stops then spins up again. Usually i have to eject the DVD to get it to stop (note that it never loads in the comptuer. If i go to "My Computer" and look at the disk drive, it never recognizes the title). I played a CD in the DVD player it and worked great which tells me the drive still works, it's just not reading DVD's.
I played a CD in the CD/RW and it had that same blurred sound i was getting on the DVD.

is there a software conflict somewhere with the DVD / CD/RW software?
what do i do to get both drives working correctly with no blur?
Should i stick with the sony DVD or just take it back and order from Dell?

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