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SLOW Burning with LG GCE-8523B

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SLOW Burning with LG GCE-8523B

Postby grouch on Wed Jan 21, 2004 2:25 am

I have this problem where my CD-RW churns out 700MB CD-R's in 6-7 minutes when I select it to burn at 52x. At this rate, my old 8x burner can compete with 3 minutes difference.
I typically burn .bin and .cue (cuesheet tells Nero to burn the .bin file).
I read somewhere that DMA needs to be on to utilize the full potential of this drive, but I don't know how. Help...
As well, when using Nero 6 Ultra Edition, the buffer for the recorder occasionally dips from 90-99% to approx 50% and jumps back to 90-99%. Is this affected by something that I can change too??
System Info:
ASUS P4S533, P4 1.7 Ghz, 768 MB DDR333
Primary IDE Channel: Maxtor 40gig and WD 80gig (both are 2MB cache)

Secondary IDE Channel as Master (no slave attached)
DMA: off
Autorun: off
Firmware 1.03
Buffer 2MB
ASPI: Working

BIOS Setting
Device: AUTO
PIO: Mode 4
Ultra DMA: Mode 2

The CDR's I'm using are:
Manufacturer: Ritek
Code: 97m15s17f
Recording Layer: Dye Type 7: Short Strategy (Phthalocyanine)
Recording Speed: 52
Capacity: 79:59.70 703 MB
Overburn Capacity: 81:44.71 (718 MB)
CD-RW Thug
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Joined: Wed Jan 21, 2004 1:59 am
Location: Toronto

Postby David on Wed Jan 21, 2004 2:41 am

Welcome grouch

Your right DMA needs to be enabled since you didn't nention which version of windows your using below are the links to enabling DMA with pictures for the mentioned version of windows.

Windows XP
Windows 2000
Windows 98
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Postby grouch on Wed Jan 21, 2004 3:32 am

Thanks a lot....I turned on the DMA and attached my DVD-ROM too and it still burns blazing!!! Thanks for the info...

Just wondering, I tried to copy 700MB XViD to my hard drive (tried to transfer to both my Master and Slave) and both took 8+/- minutes. I know that it only reads at 40x max, but is that time normal??
and my OS is WinXP SP1
CD-RW Thug
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Joined: Wed Jan 21, 2004 1:59 am
Location: Toronto

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