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scooby dooby do, cfitz, where are you?

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Postby MediumRare on Tue Mar 09, 2004 8:37 am

dodecahedron wrote:yeah, 4306 now, there go my chances of passing cfitz :o :lol:

Not so sure about that. I'll do a detailed analysis next Monday.

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Postby BuddhaTB on Tue Mar 09, 2004 7:34 pm

cfitz wrote:Hey BuddhaTB! Good to see you around as well. :D Am I imagining things, or are you coming to CDRLabs a bit more often again lately? Have you settled into a routine with the shoe moderating and now have a bit more time to poke around these forums?

I have decided to purchase 2 new pieces of hardware by the end of this year, so I visit frequently to read over the discussions in the DVD Writing Forum, the Beer Garden, and etc. I'm planning to get me a nice large LCD screen and a DVD Burner, so I want all the info I can get. I really don't post much though, since my knowledge of all the new computer stuff is somewhat lacking. I also enjoy reading Ian's reviews and the news tibits he post on the main page. Being an admin of a shoe forum can be boring at times, so I like to come around and visit here once a day. Take care buddy. :D

And if you guys want to see some insane forum stats, you should look at my admin account for the shoe forum.
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Postby cfitz on Tue Mar 09, 2004 9:30 pm

BuddhaTB wrote:I'm planning to get me a nice large LCD screen and a DVD Burner

Drool, drool... :) Those are two items still missing from my rather puny "arsenal".

BuddhaTB wrote:And if you guys want to see some insane forum stats, you should look at my admin account for the shoe forum.
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Yoowch! You need to put on some of those shoes, go outside, and give those fingers a rest. :) (I know, I know - it's blasphemy to actually wear them... :wink: )

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