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Samsung Drives and Flashing Case LED


Samsung Drives and Flashing Case LED

Postby dvdrb on Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:35 pm

I have two recently purchased Samsung drives - a SATA SH-S203B and an IDE SH-S202N. Both drives have the latest firmware.

I have a problem with both drives. When installed in either a VISTA Home Premium or WINXP Pro system the case IO activity LED flashes once per second. I can duplicate this problem on both Core2 Duo and P4 CPU systems with Intel chipsets. The IO case LED flashing occurs even if there are no actual IO operations. If I disconnect the Samsung drives the flashing IO LED stops. If I globally turn off Autoplay, the flashing IO LED stops. The flashing IO LED does not occur if another vendors DVD writer is installed in either system.

Does this issue occur on any other users PCs with a Samsung drive?
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Re: Samsung Drives and Flashing Case LED

Postby Ian on Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:51 pm

I can't say that I've noticed that problem with my Samsung drives. Does it matter if you have a disc in the drive or not?
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Re: Samsung Drives and Flashing Case LED

Postby dvdrb on Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:22 pm

>> Does it matter if you have a disc in the drive or not?


At least I've found that if I add the name of the Samsung DVD Writer to the VISTA


key I can turn the global "Use Autoplay for all media and devices" in the Control Panel back on without getting the flashing case LED.
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