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[b]samsung SD-616Q Problem[/b]

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[b]samsung SD-616Q Problem[/b]

Postby andy2av on Mon Apr 07, 2003 1:36 pm

I have some recordings which i have done on my Panasonic DMR-E30 stand alone DVD recorder they are on 4.7 gb infinity 4x discs they are only recorded at sp on the recorder and i cant get them to play on my new samsung SD-616Q DVD Rom i think it might be that they have no region on the disc's but i am no expert. Can you tell me what i need to do. The dvd rom is a day old so if its a pile of **** then can you recomend one to do the job or can i get the information into the pc from my panasonic another way capture card or somthing. Realy Need Help!!!!

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Postby Ian on Mon Apr 07, 2003 2:10 pm

Glancing at the drive's specs, it says that it can read DVD-R/RW discs.

http://www.samsung.com/Products/CDDVD_R ... D_616Q.htm

I'm not familiar with how stand alone DVD recorders record their data, but you might want to try the disc in another drive before blaming the Samsung.
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