I searched for something like this in the forums but nothing appeared...
I have the Samsung SW-240B (OEM Dell) and I have this problem where the drive doesn't read a CD or CD-R (any type of CD for that matter) the first time its inserted. So I have to open the tray, put the cd, close it, wait for it to spin around, then reopen it and reclose it and it will be able to read the CD. I dont know if a firmware upgrade would fix this. I've tried looking for a firmware upgrade but I don't know if it'll work (Since its OEM and comes from Dell).
What can I do to fix this? Is the firmware upgradeable?
http://www.samsungelectronics.com/odd/s ... index.html
thats the link where the firmwares are. The most recent one is the R400 which is dated from Nov. 26 2002.
thanks in advance,
PS: CD-RW's firmware is BD11