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Report: Lacie P5 (Porsche) CDRW 52x32x52 USB 2.0 =LTR-52327s

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Report: Lacie P5 (Porsche) CDRW 52x32x52 USB 2.0 =LTR-52327s

Postby Halc on Sat May 29, 2004 12:10 pm

I needed an external USB 2.0 enclosure for one my cdrw drives. Local selection is very limited so I bought LaCie P5 52x32x52x USB 2.0 external drive (F.A.Porsche design). This has LiteOn LTR-52327S inside.

I plugged it in, XP recognized it on-the-fly. I upgraded the firmware using LiteOns own firmware utility (on the USB 2.0 bus) and rebooted the drive.

Drive works ok in XP, Feurio, Nero and Kprobe. I can burn, overburn, read and do c1/c2 checks.

CPU Utilisation on my nf3 motherboards howevers between 7-13% all throughout a 52x kProbe scan of a full 700Mb disc.

Everything seems to work as with my LTR-52327S which is connected to my ATA (IDE) bus.

What is annoying is that the enclose of this LaCie box is very hard to open (haven't figured it out yet). No screws visible and it just doesn't come off easily.

So, if you are in need of an external drive encluse (USB 2.0) and LTR-52327S is a decent enough drive for you, then this could be your ticket.

I cannot recommend this as an enclosure only, as it seems to be quite difficult to disassemble.

[b]UPDATE[/b]: I've been having odd problems with kProbe 2.x series with external usb 2.0 drives, which worked ok with kprobe 1.x versions.

With version 2 series I get red "error spikes" in my graphs even though there are no errors on the disc. This is regardless of whether I use the computer (plenty fast enough) to do other things or not while I scan. I haven't got any similar problems on my IDE bus connected drives and kProbe 2.xx.

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