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Recommended combo drive?

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Recommended combo drive?

Postby soujir0u on Thu Apr 24, 2003 9:48 pm

Hi, I'm planning to build one of those little Shuttle XPCs that only have one 5'' drive bay. I'm planning to get a good combo drive, I'm looking for one that is quiet, has good reading and writing quality.

Currently I'm leaning towards the Plextor PX-320A but I haven't seen any shops sell it here in Sydney, Australia (anyone know where to get one?). Also, it's a bit pricey so I was wondering if there are any comparable drives that are cheaper, yet are quiet and have good quality.

Thanks in advance.
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Postby Turkeyscore.com on Thu Apr 24, 2003 10:54 pm

Hey, same here...same question...

in addition to his question, about how fast do they get?

LG for $64? I am looking at www.newegg.com

Specifications: (BLACK)
Data Rates:CD-RW: 24x(1.5MB/sec), 4x CD-R: 48x(4.8MB/sec), 24x, 16x, 8x DVD-ROM: 16x(21.6MB/sec) Max. CD-ROM: 48x(6.0 MB/sec)
Access Time DVD 120ms, CD 110ms
Interface: E-IDE/ATAPI
Buffer Size 2MB with SuperLink
OS Support:Windows 2000/ME/98//NT 4.0 (Above plus) Solaris Ver.2.4+, Linux Slackware Ver.3.1+ OS/2 Warp Ver.3.0
OEM Bundle (see pictures fo Model#: GCC-4480BK(B) Black -OEM Special FedEx Saver Shipping $6.00
(Is the bold part a typo?)
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Postby Halc on Fri Apr 25, 2003 4:59 am

I have LG 4480b combo and it has very good burn quality on Acer, Mitsubishi and TY media at 48x. It is not 'silent' but considerably less noisy than my LiteOn 48246s.

You will not be able to find a single combo drive on earth that is silent at 16x dvd or 48x cd.

The only way to make them quiet is to use nero drivespeed and set the maximum read speed to 1xdvd or 4xcd. Then it will be quiet, especially if you buy LG or Samsung.

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Postby soujir0u on Fri Apr 25, 2003 6:03 am

Speed isn't that important, though I wouldn't go below 10x DVD and 32x CD. Seems like Samsung is pretty easy to get here (and cheap as well), is it any good?
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Postby craiger on Fri Apr 25, 2003 3:30 pm

LG, Samsung and Lite-On are going to make a 52x24x52x16x combo drives. Not sure when they will be available in stores or online.

Postby Ian on Fri Apr 25, 2003 4:46 pm

Samsung in May. I know LG's is on the way, but no date yet.

Has Lite-On even said anything about a 52x combo drive? Or is that all speculation?
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Postby craiger on Fri Apr 25, 2003 7:30 pm

I thought I remembered you saying that Ian, I could be wrong. Of the LG, Samsung and Lite-On combos which drives which are the quietest?

Postby craiger on Fri Apr 25, 2003 7:31 pm

Sorry, double post.
Last edited by craiger on Fri Apr 25, 2003 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby craiger on Fri Apr 25, 2003 7:31 pm

Sorry, double post.

Re: Recommended combo drive?

Postby Clint on Sat Apr 26, 2003 7:21 am

soujir0u wrote:Hi, I'm planning to build one of those little Shuttle XPCs that only have one 5'' drive bay. I'm planning to get a good combo drive, I'm looking for one that is quiet, has good reading and writing quality.

Currently I'm leaning towards the Plextor PX-320A but I haven't seen any shops sell it here in Sydney, Australia (anyone know where to get one?). Also, it's a bit pricey so I was wondering if there are any comparable drives that are cheaper, yet are quiet and have good quality.

Thanks in advance.

I can personally recommend the PX-320A, however I think it is slighlty slow nowadays, and the buffer would be considered tiny - but it works. This unit can be obtained at www.ht.com.au but they tend to be "pricey" there.
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Postby soujir0u on Sun Apr 27, 2003 6:00 am

Yeah, Harris Technology is pretty pricey. I didn't see any listings for the Plextor combo drive there? Anyway, I'm gonna wait a while... seems like lots of new hardware will be coming out soon.
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