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Rebadged vs Original?

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Rebadged vs Original?

Postby Intimidator on Sun Jul 27, 2003 9:05 am

Is there really any difference between a rebadged LTR52246S (say like from Verbatim, Cendyne, Memorex) compared to the ACTUAL Lite-On 52246S?

My guess it's the exact same drive under a different market.

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Postby cfitz on Sun Jul 27, 2003 11:41 am

There has never been any evidence that they are anything but the same drive under different labels. Occasionally some rebadged models have custom firmware, but they can be flashed with original Lite-On firmware. And some rebadged models don't even have different labels. When you open the box you will find a drive with a Lite-On label and Lite-On firmware.

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