... did=327897
I swear, I had NOTHING to do with this thread, I was simply sent a link, it fell apart pretty much before my eyes too.
Now, being that I'm the guy flipping all the bills for the stock, and running all the risks, I can easily and 100% for sure guarentee that MonteLDS is *NOT* on my staff in any way shape or form. He's a customer through and through, and a happy one at that.
I am so pissed off over this! I mean, yeah, other topics have been locked, and we've been in trouble before, but we were at fault, and there were reasons. But this was pointless and stupid. What does it take to offer people a good deal? Damn it, the ONLY reason I got these damn DVDRWs in the first place is because I knew I could offer a cool product, for less then half the price of the competition. And the discs are good too! Probably some of the best RWs out there not coming from Mitsubishi Chemicals!
Can't people get it through their freaking skulls that if it was about profit I'd be selling these things for like $1 less then shop4tech instead of half the price!!!
What will it take to convince people that I'm only trying to offer a good deal, and let people know about it. I'm not trying to scam anyone, I'm not trying to get rich, I'm not trying to abuse forums. Can't a person just try to do something nice for another?

so after all that, I'd like to say thank you to the members of this forum, for looking at things for how they are, instead of how they may look. This is the ONLY forum where myself and Aviationwiz haven't been all but tar and feathered, (not to mention anyone else that tries to offer support). So thank you for having open minds.