by Spazmogen on Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:54 pm
Sorry to open an old thread again.
I actually broke down and had one of the $9.46 laxatives ($11.71 CDN). It's known as Mesquite Chicken with Bacon.
Last Friday, I was at Detroit Airport, MacNamara Terminal. I had 5 hours before the flight, being I made sure I left extra time for the US Customs to do a cavity search & x-rays and took an Air Bus (a shuttle van- from London, Ontario to Detroit).
I was through customs in a flash and had too much time to kill in the airport. I saw others eating pizza and drinking beer by 10am...I'd been there for nearly an hour by that time.
By 11am I broke down and ordered it. I'd been awake since 4am and was starting to think crazily by that time.
My flight was delayed 1 hour when we had to change planes after ours sucked up a pop can in to the engine as it was taxiing to the gate.
I arrived in Tampa shortly after 5pm and found a Walgreens for the beer & Tequila.
By 7pm I was cramped up like I'd eaten a box of exlax tablets.
Thankfully, I was not over taken by The Cramps while on the A320 Airbus. That would have been too much to handle. They probably would have ripped the bathroom door off its hinges to make sure I was not up to my shoulder in the toilet. Nothing like a passenger with a blue arm to make the air crew nervous....
Sure it was tasty, but I'm not sure I need to go through that again anytime soon.