Time for my once-weekly drop in-and what better thread than this? Nice sometimes to have friends w/PC's!
Congrats on the new job, wicked1! Any plans for you new "toys"? I decided on a 5" Springfield XD .40, but can't find anyone with one in stock. May give up and get my CZ Magnum "thumper" I want. A .458 Lott would sure get everyone's attention at the range!
Aviationwiz, are you anti-gun or just anti-concealed carry/pro open carry? Hope you're not "the enemy" (ie, an "anti").
I live in an open-carry state (Indiana), but I've never actually seen anyone do open-carry excepts cops and security guards. People are to uptight now. They see a gun, they freak. To them, gun=bad guy (or terrorist, in this post-9/11 world). The only reason I don't do open carry
Now, if this were Texas...
Wait...sorry. Texas is concealed carry ONLY I think (Wow...Indiana, more "pro-gun" than Texas!?!?)...
A friend of mine who was a security guard got kicked out of Wal-Mart for having his gun out in the open. He was in a uniform, too (other than the slightly different badge, he looked like a cop).
Wal-Mart is VERY anti-gun; which is why I hate them so much. When I do go in there, I do carry my gun; a few of the employee's there who know me know I have it and don't really care. They don't have any no-gun signs posted, so in the words of Bender, they can "Kiss my shiny metal a$$". Not that it is metal
No sign, nothing they can legally do.
And for those who are against normal, everyday people carrying weapons: we always hope that we'll never need them. Better to have and not need than need and not have. Say someone tries to force their way into your house, when you, your wife and kids are all home. It takes the cops 5-10+ minutes to get to your house after you call 911. It takes me less than 2 seconds (on a really bad day) to draw my weapon.
Soon to be proud user of Mandrake 10 (again!). SuSE 9 sucks!