aviationwiz wrote:CCampbell,
Do you know where this month's build of Nero 6 is? Normally it's posted on the 1st, but I'm not seeing it anywhere. Maybe you guys are just waiting for a bigger update when the Power Pack is availible?
Your not-so local Plextor fan(atic)

We always try and release a new build the first of the month, and in some cases a day before. But this is not the first time we have not made this deadline that we set for ourselfs.
Sometimes a bug comes up, or a feature, or simply a matter of our resources being stretched thin that month, and we end up coming out with the new build a few days late. Normally no later than within the first week of the new month.
Currently, the new build is being qualified. So it could be up tomorrow, or the next day if all goes well.
Sorry for the delay.