so i downloaded the premium version of realoneplayer v2 that includes nti buring software. i went to burn a cd that is 80 minutes long, and it took about 10 minutes with my 24x tdk burner. i'm a realone subscriber, so i'm allowed to burn at the max. using nero, i can burn the same cd in about 5 minutes.
what seems to happen is it will burn a track for a while, then the lights will go off. then it will burn again for several seconds, then go off again. i would expect this between tracks if burning track-at-once, but not in the middle of a track. the mp3s our on my hard drive, so i would expect the buffer underrun to be kicking in every 5 or less seconds.
anyone know what is going on? i wouldn't expect nero at be about 2 times faster than nti. i tried this twice with tdk media i've used with no problems in nero.