I have been using this drive since initial release and everythings been working fairly well.
I recently upgraded to V1.03. Everything seemed okay.
However, I just tried to blow a CD this morning, and Nero wouldn't allow me to select the drive (I could select another burner, but not the PX708A).
I fired up PlexTools, and noticed that the drive info was missing things, such as the DVD region. The supported formats list was empty. The disk info page was not reporting any media that I entered either.
It's strange because the OS is detecting disks correctly. I've played several audio disks, and InCD can read disks that I have written to previously.
I have tried deleting the drive from device manager, rebooting and redetecting the drive. Using Disk Manager, I also change the drive label to V:.
I've now noticed that applications are perfectly happy when I run as administrator. It's only when I log in as my usual account (a power user), that the drive is not detected correctly. This used to be fine.
Any ideas what could be wrong? Perhaps I didn't blow the firmware as administrator (I can't remember) - would that affect it? I think I reinstalled Nero Burn Rights recently - but I can't see how that could affect PlexTools.