burner1000000 wrote:If you have Adaptec ASPI installed, you need to kill it (particularly if you are using win XP). This is a very common conflict, also.
This is bad advice. I have Adaptec ASPI v4.60 (1021) installed in WinXP as does a very large user base on these forums. Everyone that uses KProbe has this same Adaptec ASPI version installed. The Adaptec ASPI v4.60 (1021) drivers contained in ForceASPI 1.7 have demonstrated broad compatibility and are generally accepted as the most stable and dependable ASPI drivers around.
Nobody else in these forums' large user base of KProbe and WinXP users is reporting ASPI problems, much less problems opening Nero Info Tool 2.0 or any other version. On my system (and apparently everyone else's), Nero Info Tool v2.0 works just fine with this Adaptec v4.60 (1021) ASPI version.
The Nero WNASPI32.DLL is not a system level driver and does not conflict with the Adaptec drivers.