Hello All
I am having a bit of a broblem.
I have Lg4040b Super Writter.
Windows cannot detect it at all when I installed it worked fine then stoped?
I have Tried Diffrent cables I have updated the firmware from A300 to A301.
I looked for diffrent drivers still the same.
The other Weird this is when I boot in windows it is not installed?
I have to go to devise Manager and make it scan for new hardware?
The problem for the hardware scan was happening allot at the beggining now not anymore it is installed but wont read if i uninstall and reinstall still the same.
I insert any dvd movie or cd does not read either is the drive fubard?
I am at a lost and need anser quick because i am about to bring it back To futureshop before to late
My Systems Specs.
Amd 2600+
MSI KT6 motherboard
9200 Radion
2 40gig maxtor drives
One 10x dvdrom
and LG4040b Writter
Windows XP sp1