Just got back from the Best Buy "black friday" sale - I went and bought two 75 packs of Precision 40X CD-R's just for the hell of it since they were free after rebate and got a very nice surprise - they are Prodiscs!
ATIP: 97m 32s 19f
Disc Manufacturer: Prodisc Technology Inc.
Reflective layer: Dye (Short strategy; e.g. Phthalocyanine)
Media type: CD-Recordable
Recording Speeds: min. unknown - max. unknown
nominal Capacity: 702.83MB (79m 59s 72f / LBA: 359847)
The label design is different - the Prodiscs use dark blue ink that covers half of the disc. (simular to Dysan) The CMC made ones I have seen use a all silver overlay, simular to Imations and Hkypermedia. If anyones reading this before noon friday morning I'd rush over to Best Buy and see if they still have them - mine had about 200 of them and they were going out the door fast!