Thanks, AJ
I'll probably just get an IO card and Win2000, but yesterday I went to Dell's Outlet page and checked out some refurbished systems (I bought my PII 400 refurb from their Austin, TX refub store before it closed down; I've been really happy with it performing well). Everything 3 GHz or so & higher roughly costs at least $1500 US, with 1GB of memory. (I figure that if I would buy something new, and expect it to last a few(?) years, that that would be a good choice....)
I started to "assemble" a system from the recommeded (on this thread) hardware site, but selecting the motherboard wasn't as easy a I thought it would be -- feedback from (potential & actual) buyers of Maximum PC magazine's recommended MB found it buggy and often selected an alternative. I haven't studied hardware in years....
It's a lot of money, and I read that Intel is working on a new CPU that may come out soon (??). I keep telling myself that it's futile to "wait just a little longer for that something better to come to market"-trap, but I think I'm getting sucked into it anyway, just like quicksand.