by JamieW on Wed Feb 04, 2004 3:55 pm
I know this is turning a bit Queer Eye for the Web Guy, but some things that will work out well for you:
1. Shave the areas of weaker growth. It will make your chops look stronger and cleaner. When you have an area of weak growth, it gives it a "still trying" kind of look or "forgot to shave."
2. Since you have so much face hair that you want, getting your eyebrows cleaned up a bit would also strengthen the look of the chops and clean up the look overall.
3. You've got good eyes, you do want to draw attention to them. But they are getting kind of lost in dark bags around your eyes. Get some eye cream and apply for awhile. Once again, you will get a cleaner look that also lets attention be more focused on a strong, defined chop.
And when I say "cleaner," I don't just mean "work clean." I mean looking like you are clean kind of look. No matter how much one showers, stubble with determined facial growth looks dirty. So if you clean up the lines of the hair you have on your face, it will all look more defined and cleaner. Seems what you are seeking to accomplish, a decidedly different look. Should also make your new bosses happy as you will appear "cleaner" to them.
A man has been charged after allegedly punching a 73-year-old woman in the face, breaking her nose and stabbing her in the arm with a corkscrew before hitting a second woman with a bottle at a wedding reception in the Whitsunday Islands.