I Think that there is more than reasonable doubt and it should be thrown out as a theory and taught like the Flat earth theory is.
And replaced with what, creationism?
Yes, about 40 years, more or less. Back in the early '60s the Indiana State Legislature voted to make the value of Pi 3.0. It was the opinion of this highly educated body that the value of 3.1416.............. was too long and difficult for the students to remember.
Just as bad, in the 1970s some trendy left-wing councils in the UK decided it was a good idea to teach kids to spell phonetically in the infants classes (5-7), then to be taught correctly at 7 onwards; the theory being that it taught them to read and write easily and without confusion over stange spelling, then the correct spelling could be taught afterwards. What a stupid idea that was; we've ended up with a generation of illiterates who got hopelessly confused and to this day can't spell correctly.
I've seen a couple of schools' TV programmes where the number system has been changed, which I thought was bizarre as well. "Ten" became "One-ty" (I kid you not). "Twenty" was "Two-ty" and so on. Most bizarrely of all, "One Hundred" became "Tenty" (where the hell did this come from? One-ty-ty surely?!?!?!?!?!)
Oh, and in the "good old days" of the 40s and 50s PI in UK schools was taught as 22/7 as a short-hand, another highly dubious idea which, although more accurate than 3, was actually very damaging as my dad's generation genuinely think PI is exactly 22/7, which of course it isn't.
I really do think politicians should stop meddling with people's futures like this.