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Postby F1Pilot on Sat Jan 24, 2004 6:13 pm

I musta been thinking about some other place. I know the one you're speaking of. It is in Marietta as well...in a house. They too have a lot of nice older stuff!

The Bogner Uberschall is downright sick. I can't believe the sound that you can get with it. The only complaint I'd have is it's low end...can't beat the Recto. I even tried mixing the head on a Recto Cab...not the same. His preamps have always been good. Loved the Fish as well as the Triple Giant. Soldano used to be good. Dunno what happened...to my ear, the tone has changed. I like VHT.

Nice dream rig! 1800 watts? Jeez. That's a lotta power! I was into a lot of gadgets, but grew out of it. It was fun! It was just impractical and prety much ridiculous for me to have them. For example, I had an ADA MP1 and Triaxis. Those are 2 items on my absolute utter waste of money list. They were good pieces of equipment, but I'd only use a fraction of the banks on them.
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Postby NoSmartz on Sat Jan 24, 2004 9:22 pm

Correct about that Atlanta Vintage,it is an old house.Last I remember it was white.
Super right about the Bogner and the low end,you'll only get an Alice in Chains feel out of it but man you'll never buy a distortion pedal again.I also like VHT better.They sound way better every year.I first heard Dean Deleo of STP playing one and it was beautiful.Loved it.Soldano has been around but like everything,quality goes away with age.It's still an ear splitter but they'll have to start doing something to keep with today's competition(naylor,mesa,dumble,riviera etc...)
Totally correct on the "dream list" notion.I'll only get that stuff with a little extra cash lyin' around.1800 watts is way too much power but at a point the mesa studio preamp colors it nice.That preamp would be the one thing I would get if I could find one though(they are tough to find and not cheap)That MP-1 is nice and would a great addition to any rig.I've been tryin' to get rid of some of my ridiculous price gear I bought at vintage shows but it's tough.Very small market for it.I only bought he stuff 'cause I was stupid(young)and it was in at the time.Maybe Ebay,who knows.

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Postby F1Pilot on Sat Jan 24, 2004 10:50 pm

Damn. You nailed it wih the Alice In Chains thing. I loved what Jerry Cantrell did with AIC...I don't want the tone. I was a HUGE AIC freak. Layne was awesome. It's bitter that there's not gonna be more music from him. :cry:

You know, I don't like STP but DeLeos sound was always nice and raw. George Lynch is another helluva layer, but I don't like his tone. 3 Days Grace has a a nice sound.

Ever heard that damn Carvin-Vai Legacy amp? It's a trip. It amazes me at what Carvin has become.

By chance, you know where I can get info on Truby's setup? I was just curious about his gear.

Zakk Wylde...Ozzy...No More Tears.
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Postby NoSmartz on Sun Jan 25, 2004 1:41 am

AIC was phenominal.Sux that it's over but it's also a good thing in a way.We couldn't have them like the Rolling Stones today now could we.No other singer like Layne Staley,ever(best song:What the hell have I)!!!I still listen to em'.
I like STP for the challenge(and the music).He doesn't use standard chords.I call em' weirdo chords.Very fun to play and finally get em' right.His tone doesn't change either.Les Paul TV through a VHT Pitbull and split with a Vox AC30(I love it).Probably over for them as well.
I saw a George Lynch instructional not too long ago also.He shreds as well.Very plain though.I call it "by the books"shredding.No soul.
That Carvin-Legacy has gotten a lot of buzz about it.Carvin creates super Power amps but when the legacy came around,people were starting to listen.Saw one at a Guitar show here.Cheaper amp but you get "The" tone that's for sure.It can be smooth and a little rough also.Great Sound.Your right,Carvin has finally come around.They use to be the bottom of the rung.Not anymore.
Zakk Wylde used a Les Paul Custom with EMG81 active pickups(his signature model now) http://www.emginc.com/displayproducts.asp?catalogid=3§ion=Guitar&categoryid=6
Very easy to put together.Saw him 2 years ago at Guitar Show signing Black Label Society cd's.He's a big dude.I call him a modern day Ted Nugent.No more Tears:WAY DEEP CRUNCH.
Check out these sites for famous rig setup's(pretty cool)
If your talkin' about Truby,new guitarist for POD,I can't find a thing.If not,let me know who and I'll find somethin'.Found Billy Gibbons rig today.

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Postby F1Pilot on Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:47 am

AIC was one of the rare examples of me liking everything they did. I have all of their CDs, and might still buy the boxed set tonight...hell, maybe even a Sponge Bob Cd if the kidlet expresses some interest in it. :D Ever listened too Staind? They did a tribute to him aptly named Layne...it's on their 14 Shades Of Gray disc. They did a great job with it.

I never paid much attention to STP aside from the tonal value. Are is progressions "unconventional" like how Cobain did with some of his songs? Another person that did that was Chris Poland. As awesome of a player as Friedman is, Friedman said that he loved the way Megadeth songs were "laid out", but when it came to stuf that Polad wrote, the complexity and the "Twister©"-ish finger positions were a nightmare.

Sounds like DeLeo has an oddball setup, which is cool. It's interesting how people come up with their unique sound. Tough far fetched, that's why I like the Line 6 Pod Pro. It'll never truly replicate what I want, but with the ability to create different head and cab combos, it's fun. There was a big rumor back in the day that Dimebag stumbled upon his sound by wiring his puckups wackwards. *shrug* Who the hell knows, but he has a cool and unique tone. I just saw his signature pickup on the Duncan Site.

I listened to the Lagacy off the Carvin site...nice. I still wouldn't buy it. It's the same with the 5150...awesome brown sound, but would never buy it. Not my tone and not my thing. I'll always have a personal bad opinion of Peavey and Carvin. They put out good products, I give them props for it, but still...

I loved George Lynch. He rocks, but for some reason, he can get that monotone, almost scopped sound. I was a huge Kirk Hammett freak...same with him...scooped. Too scooped for my taste. With Kirk, it's weird. He's got EMGs loaded, but sounds so processed down. It's almost to the point of why bother with actives? His sound seems to have deviated from the buzz. He uses Marshalls, doesn't he? I'd be surprised if he used Rectos. Metallica lost me after the black album. :( Coincidentally, I found a site that had a song by them called Unamed Feeling. *urp*

Yeah. Zakk has a killer sound. I use the same combo that he does...an 81 and 85. I like the soud of Les Pauls, but not willing to give myself shoulder and neck problems. :D I might as well hang a dumpster on a strap...damn heavy thing. But man...that tone. I read in an interview that when he first got with Ozzy, he got a huge advance to buy gear with. He went and got a rig the size of a fridge. One day they had a problem with it and took hours to narrow the problem down...to a patch cord. He was so disgusted that he dumped his rig and went "lo-tech" and stuck to the Marshalls as well. I never liked factory Marshalls aside from their Solid State stuff...ironically. What's the deal with the Mode Four? Heavily driven or something?

PRS has a nice tone...dying to find out what they'd sound like with EMGs in them. Too expensive for me to find out. I'd think they would sound similar to an LP with the sustain.

Not a ZZ Top fan, but what the hell does he use? He's got a neat unique sound! Legs! That's a good example! Thanks for the killer links, BTW!

Another guitarist that I like is Dine Cezares. I dunno why I like him either. I can't figure it out. His chops are...dunno. His tone...na' bad. Fear Factorys music...I have the CDs, but like just a small handful of songs.

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Postby F1Pilot on Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:52 am

Just listened to an online clip of the Mode Four.

8) Go Mesa! *thumbs up* 8)
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Postby NoSmartz on Sun Jan 25, 2004 12:31 pm

Yeah I listened to Staind when they came out but not recently.Not to difficult to learn em.He tunes WAY LOW!!I'll check out the Staind(Layne)here in a bit.Was at the cd store last night and they had a AIC Safe box set come in used.Love all their stuff.
Stp's progressions are difficult to me 'cause a lot of the time he uses "quirky chords".He uses the standards but he forms them differently.I guess he wanted to stretch his fingers the utmost but the chords have more ring to them.I suppose they are more "open" or "bright" sounding than regular.He'll throw in a A2 or C1 or a Absus4 or an Asus2 and throw you off completely.I think he does it to get the right sound out of his rig.Frustrating and satisfying at the same time.You'll know immediately when you hear one of those chords to.They are not hard to miss.When you learn one song you go to the next for a totally different reason.RIFFAGE!!!Check this riff from there 1st released "famous" song"
A-----7-7----- 7-----7-----7---7-7-7-7--

Stretches yer fingers don't it.That tune is "Sex Type Thing".When I learned that tune back in '92 I was so proud.He's not difficult like Petrucci but he throws curve balls all the time.Oddly unconventional to me.Maybe it's the tone that throws me off.
I like that term you just used,"Twister©"-ish .Very appropriate.I'll use that in every day language.Should be in the dictionary :D .He uses those "Twister©"-ish chords but gives you time to change them up.Slow progressions.He's not skilled like that.Love Peace Sells,Who's buying by the way.Mustaine just did too many downstrokes I guess.We all know he wrote all the best "early" Metallica stuff.If you have a chance,try lookin' for a band called"Diamond Head".You won't find it a the stores but if you find the mp3's :wink: ,grab em.You'll then know if you don't already that that's where Metallica's 1st album came from.Metallica has covered a ton of there tunes.They have so many riff changes and progressions in one song it's friggin' scary.Not hard mind you but WOW!!!Fun to learn.
I love everything Nirvana ever did.A genius songwriter.Shows you how a basic guitarist can succeed.Loved every last song.I Love that "In Utero" tone.Duncan Distrotion through a Boss os-1 followed by a Fender Bassman.That's it.Now his stuff is fun to play if your frustrated at a Petrucci tune!!!
Line 6 has some kickin' products.They have the stranglehold on the "every" sound amps and mods.Worth the money.If you want all kinds of tones and versatility,it's what you buy.Good Amps with a fair price tag.
Dimebag uses that 1 Dean guitar for everything but his key is the Randall Commander Amp head he uses,it's Solid State!!!Very old too.Don't make that model anymore.He's actually a mainstay in Arlington area where he lives.He's all over town all the time.Very Visible.Sux they're gone to.DAMN SUPERJOINT RITUAL!!!
Peavey have a bad rep for burnin' up.Very high octane but at a price.Great sound but only 1 sound you know.EVH.They tried the Soldano route but still can't keep em' from smokin'.MADE IN MISSISSIPPI!!!
Lynch is sort of blah,blah,What have you done lately.Hammett is good but again,how many times do I have to hear "One".OK, it was good now come up with a better tune.He throws those JMP-1's into a heavy process.Correct on the heavy processage!!Yeah he uses Marshall power amps if I'm not mistaken.200 watts or somethin'.You lost interest when everybody lost interest,"the black album".It was their last stand :cry: .Seems like these guys don't want to grow ya know.Stick with the same ole same ole'.
Dude that's way funny,the "dumpster" comment.It's also true.Man they are great sounding guitars but WOW,what do they have in those things,fishin' weights?I agree about Marshall.Somethin' has changed with them.They are tryin too hard to be like everybody else.Funny thing is,everybody wants to be like them.They need to step back to where they were.Everybody wanted a Marshall tone and now,ehhhh.PRS's are amazing but way out of my $range.Crisp and clear to play but mean and nasty to my wallet.ZZtop.Have to like em here in texas.It's a prerequisite to live her :D It's one guitar(59 les paul)with an bixonic expandora and a Marshall JCM800 and sometimes a Fender bassman(or twin).This setup is new in product but he had the one bixonic pedal made so he wouldn't have to tinker with his rig anymore.It's kinda like the Line6 for him.He's gettin old!!!!!!Check out Dusk til Dawn soundtrack for a song called"she's just killin me",If your not a believer now,listen to that track and you will be.
Fear factory is good stuff.They're Slayer,Sepultura like music but when you need a change,these bands pummel you with sound!!!!HEAVY SOUND!!!!

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Postby UALOneKPlus on Fri Jan 30, 2004 8:03 am

I normally never watch American Idol, just not my thing I guess.

But I did catch this clip on the web:


I have to give props to this guy for having the guts to try out and be on national TV, even though he doesn't have a snow ball's chance in h*ll of winning.

That's really optimism and bravery!! :D
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Postby F1Pilot on Sun Feb 22, 2004 12:34 pm

UALOneKPlus wrote:I normally never watch American Idol, just not my thing I guess.

But I did catch this clip on the web:


I have to give props to this guy for having the guts to try out and be on national TV, even though he doesn't have a snow ball's chance in h*ll of winning.

That's really optimism and bravery!! :D

OMFG!!!! This dude has a following! I read it in a headline about him on Yahoo news. He's been on a bunch of talk shows. LOL! Good for him! Linkage: www.williamhung.net
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Postby Ian on Sun Feb 22, 2004 1:59 pm

That's about as bad as that Star Wars kid with the broom stick.

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Postby TheWizard on Sun Feb 22, 2004 10:15 pm

Indeed, Will Hung has a huge following and I, too, have a lot of respect for him. I've seen other people stick it to Simon on the show, but William did it with dignity and class. He is a genuine guy, and as williamhung.net says, so rarely do we find someone like him. He has my utmost admiration for sticking to his dream.
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Postby F1Pilot on Sun Feb 22, 2004 11:50 pm

Right-O. His response to Simon was great...frank and sincere. Will has got the moves down too. :P
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Postby Ian on Mon Mar 01, 2004 11:01 pm

Yes, William Hung was on American Idol again. I can die happy now.
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Postby F1Pilot on Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:13 am

Ian wrote:Yes, William Hung was on American Idol again. I can die happy now.
LOL! Now do you feel complete? Did he sing a Culture Club song? :P

But really...did they say why they brought him back on the show, or did they just have him sing a tune as a ratings ploy?
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Postby Ian on Tue Mar 02, 2004 10:03 am

They just had some of the more popular people that didn't make it come back and sing. It was kinda funny cause he had a bunch of backup dancers and stuff.
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Postby F1Pilot on Fri Mar 05, 2004 11:15 pm

That's funny! The guy has the moves and keeps the beat.
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Postby TheWizard on Sat Mar 06, 2004 2:50 am

IMO, Paula Abdul is hot for a 41 year-old.
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Postby VEFF on Tue Mar 09, 2004 8:19 pm

Someone has dedicated a web site to William Hung, which apparently
gets 1 million hits a day.
He even signed a record contract!
He'll probably do better in the music industry than all but the winner and runner up! :)
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Postby CDRecorder on Tue Mar 09, 2004 10:09 pm

Yeah, I found it quite interesting that he was rejected but is seemingly more popular than so many other people on American Idol.
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