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LiteOn-52327s reading problem?

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LiteOn-52327s reading problem?

Postby Burn2death on Thu Jan 22, 2004 7:32 pm

I just picked up the LiteOn-52327s today, it's my first LiteOn experience as I was a long time LG fan. I did some reading test on it and the results were really bad, I wonder if anyone else has the same problem or what is wrong with this thing, here are 2 examples of 2 CDs tested on my LiteOn 166s and my new 52327s.

Kprobe 1.126
Reading Test 1 (CD-R #1, TY)

LiteOn 166s: C1 Max= 14, Total= 343, Average= 0.070
LiteOn 52327s: C1 Max= 426, Total= 636139, Average= 130.517

Reading Test 2 (CD-R #2, MCC)

LiteOn 166s: C1 Max= 5, Total= 27, Average= .007
LiteOn 52327s: C1 Max= 9, Total= 890, Average= 0.242

What's wrong with the reading ability on this drive? why is it so bad?
is it a defective drive like many people here have been reporting about LiteOn?
Ian in your review of this drive what made you use the 52246s to test the write quality instead of the 52327s which was used to burn the test CDs?
I did the CDDEA scatch test also my results were very good just like your Ian, but why is it so bad at reading on every other tests?
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Postby MediumRare on Thu Jan 22, 2004 7:38 pm

You can't rely on the C1-results from a DVD drive. They're unrealistically low. Your first disk is probably not very good, although readable bad (even though it's a TY). Trust the scan results from the burner.

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Postby Burn2death on Thu Jan 22, 2004 7:48 pm

MediumRare wrote:You can't rely on the C1-results from a DVD drive. They're unrealistically low. Your first disk is probably not very good, although readable bad (even though it's a TY). Trust the scan results from the burner.


Does this mean that my 52327s is defective then?
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Postby rdgrimes on Thu Jan 22, 2004 10:25 pm

LiteOn 52327s: C1 Max= 9, Total= 890, Average= 0.242

What's wrong with that? The first disc is just a crappy disc.
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Postby Burn2death on Fri Jan 23, 2004 1:33 am

rdgrimes wrote:
LiteOn 52327s: C1 Max= 9, Total= 890, Average= 0.242

What's wrong with that? The first disc is just a crappy disc.

Nothing would be wrong with that if the 166s return simular numbers but it wasn't even close, and as I said I randomly pick 2 results and I do have to agree with you that it's not that bad having those numbers that's only one ok result, I can tell you that another test run I had over 200,000 C1 errors, compare to only about 250 C1 errors on the 166s.
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Postby rdgrimes on Fri Jan 23, 2004 1:39 am

Well, as has been said many times in many ways, you cannot compare scans from a DVD-ROM with scans from a burner.
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Postby RJW on Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:13 am

The question that I have been asking me more and more is can we really compare with tools like K-probe, CD DOcter. Since the only give you the performance on that drive.
I know the lite On dvd players are reporting errors differently and now I am asking myself are the other Lite on's reporting errors according to the ECMA standards. No one seems to know this !
Hmm I still have to go through a lot of other things still I should have the answers somewhere.
I'm not nitpicking K-probe or CD Docter or Lite On over here since I do not that for rough measureing the Lite On 52327S did perform just a good as a CDA-3000 CD associates cd analyzer. Both all gave roughly the same qualification for the media. However about exact results I might have some doubts.

Since it did report good on the MCC disc's I don't think it's broken. Like the problems I had with my Lite On 48246S which was reporting garbage at the time is was allmost death. If it has burning problems it might be questionable when it comes to quality measureing to. At least my old 48246S did.
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Postby Burn2death on Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:48 am

I found the problem! the problem is that my 52327s has an "Enemy" when is comes to reading and that ememy is Taiyo Yuden, I burnt a Ritek rated 48x@24x, the results was pretty good, the C1 was just over 2000, and the Average C1 was about 0.500 (compare to Total C1 of 200,000+ and average C1 of 130 with about 300 C2 errors on the TY), which looks pretty good to me, so not sure why it doesn't like to ready TYs, I'm going to do a burn test on TY and see if it hates the burn it too.
what do you guys think of this finding? anyone else notice this?
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Postby RJW on Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:25 pm

No but I know Lite On has screwed much with when it comes to optimalisation writing and reading of media which can cause weird and unlogical behaviour. Normally media shouldn't perform better at 40x as on 12x but with Lite On this is possible !
Sometimes very weird behaviour that optimum quality is 32x according to error levels and sometimes problems with some media at high speed reading on media that works fine when read at 40x on my Plextor.
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Postby MediumRare on Fri Jan 23, 2004 6:35 pm

Burn2death wrote:I found the problem! the problem is that my 52327s has an "Enemy" when is comes to reading and that ememy is Taiyo Yuden

I don't know what happened with the first disc you reported- it's not typical for TY's. Did you burn it with your new LiteOn? If not, it may be a relic from your old drive (which you had to replace). Don't blame it on the LiteOn then- try another one, and pass on the ATIP too. LiteOn drives normally love TY's. Typically, I get C1 (ave) < 0.2 (!!!) with my LTR 48246S.

By the way, the total C1-count is normally not that interesting- average and maximum value are a good summary of the scan results.

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Postby RJW on Sat Jan 24, 2004 7:54 am

Yeah my old LTR-48246S did love TY but my new LIte On 52327S is working okay with TY on high speeds.
At 16x it still performs excellent C1: >0.3 allways and most time arround 0.1
But with higher speeds C1 errors rise up to a average of 3 still a lot better as he found.
These days I use Fuji media on it which gives me C1 average rates of 0.3 on 52x. They don't rise much at higher speeds like TY does.

For the Lite On 52327S I would recommend Fuji or Verbatim 52x Datalifeplus these days for high speed burning since they work better as the TY and Ritek disc's I so far encountered.
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Postby Burn2death on Sat Jan 24, 2004 9:17 am

I think this time I really know what the Real problem is, most of the CD-Rs I tested was the TY I burnt with the LG-8525B that made strange inconsistant noises, when tested the TY that I burnt with my 52327s they all came out beautifully all around .500 average C1, so I can't say if the LG had really crappy burns (which reported up to 600,000+ C1 Total and average of 160+ C1) or maybe the 52327s was just jealous and want to sabotage the LG's rep, either way I'm glad I returned the LG 8525B as the quality doesn't seem to be as good as all my previous LGs.
Now I can say that I really like my LiteOn-52327s, the burn quality seems to be really good, it runs very quiet, even more quieter than the LG ( which I thought was already very quiety) the motor seems to operate very smoothly unlike the LG which has clunky normal operating sounds (not to mention strange noises some times), the reading ability seems to be very good also, plus there's so much more support from people like all you guys here along with nice tools, so now ladies and gentlement, I would like the make an anouncement!!!
I am Officially on the LiteOn Wagon! :D
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