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LG-8525B Problem must read!

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LG-8525B Problem must read!

Postby Burn2death on Wed Jan 21, 2004 11:53 pm

I got some questions and a story to tell you all.
I bought an LG-8525B CD-RW drive at Bestbuy about two 2 weeks ago in Canada, I notice that the reading on rewritable CDs was terrible and that it would make a very loud vibration some times (not high speed reading or writing) but not all the time,that worries me as that could be a problem, so I exchanged it for another same model, now the new one doesn't make the loud vibration sound at all (which tells me that the first one had a problem for sure) instead it makes some clicking sound some times and some times it makes a very lound clicking sound, I tried to simulate the exactly task but can't get it to do that every time only about 20% of the time so this worries me also. so I went to tried to exchange it again, this time they didn't have it in stock they told me to go to another store which had 18 left, when I got there the computer deptment manager told me that they didn't have any, this makes me unhappy but mistakes do happen, anyways another employee over heard the situation and suggest the TDK 52x24x52, he said that TDK makes good drives and the Dept Manager agreed, I told them that TDK don't make their own drives, Dept Manager said "Yes they do", I told them no they just put their name tag on it, so this hot shot "computer dept manager" again said TDK makes their own drive he's sure of that, I told them that I do know about this kind of stuff and that they don't make their own drive, now he looks at me like I'm as stupid as he is, then I asked him if I can have a look in side the box and he saids to me "No... not unless you plan to buy it, and especially because you are SO CONVINCE that they don't make their own drives", I just ignore what he said and went to get my money back. :evil:

Ian and others can you guy please confirm to me (hopefully this dumb ass Bestbuy Dept Manage will read this thread) that TDK do not make their own drive instead it's a Lite-On rebadge?

Now that I don't a burner anymore do you guys think I should get the Lite On 52327S for $38can? this would be my first Liteon, or should I get another LG? and why. thanks all for reading and answearing.
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Postby Ian on Thu Jan 22, 2004 1:01 am

While they might tweak the firmware a little, they've never made their own drives. They've always been based on other drive designs. Either Sanyo, Plextor, Lite-On and in the case of their DVD writers, NEC.

Don't worry about the retarded BB employee. Most of the people around here will agree with you that most people that work at stores like that don't know squat about the stuff they're selling... especially the people in the computer department.
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Postby Burn2death on Thu Jan 22, 2004 1:26 am

Thanks Ian I appreciated :wink:
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Postby TheWizard on Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:02 am

Regarding your LG drive, what media were you using when you noticed the vibrations? I heard some vibrations during part of the recording process with my LG drives, but it only happened with certain media. The media was CMC and Ritek, not all of these brands' media, not even most, just a select few. I scanned each disc that vibrated with Nero CD Speed, and all the blocks were green, so I didn't think twice about it.
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Postby RJW on Thu Jan 22, 2004 7:34 am

Ian wrote:While they might tweak the firmware a little, they've never made their own drives. They've always been based on other drive designs. Either Sanyo, Plextor, Lite-On and in the case of their DVD writers, NEC.

Based on designs doesn't have to mean not made by there own but in this case it does. Acer make drives based on the Pioneer A06 design still they manufacture them themselves but according to Pioneer quality controle standards. We still would call this a Pioner OEM however Acer did make them.

The TDK is a custom Lite On OEM. It has addititional quality controle and firmware tweaking done by TDK. That's in the end it's most times a little bit quieter in use and a bit better constructed on the other hand the firmware support by TDK is not as fast as Lite On.
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Postby Burn2death on Thu Jan 22, 2004 9:33 am

RJW wrote:
Based on designs doesn't have to mean not made by there own but in this case it does.

Are you saying that in this case they can say that TDK do make their own drives? well so this means that I can buy a Honda Civic change the seats and do a paint job, stick my name on it I'll call it "Burn2death Car" and say that I made? off course not, it's still a Honda Civic, but my point to this is that not wheather TDK customize other company's drives, my point is that this "Hot shot" Dept Manager talked to me very arrogantly and thinks he knows everything said to me that TDK manufactors their own CD burners, not "redesign" the tray or the firmware or anything of that nature he specifically said that they "Make their own drive" it's very clear what he said or else he would not but argueing with me about it and treat me like I'm insane for insisting that TDK don't make their own drives, and when I said that, I know TDK does change the Tray and the firmware but I'm not going to stand their and give this "know it all Bestbuy employee" a whole run about TDK drives, all you guys on here know what I mean and what he meant.

TheWizard Wrote:
Regarding your LG drive, what media were you using when you noticed the vibrations? I heard some vibrations during part of the recording process with my LG drives.

The media could be a Rewriteable or CDR, could be any brand it's never hapens while burning, it could happen when I just put in the CD, could be when I try to access the drive and it could be when I'm not doing anything except looking at it the wrong way, it vibrates so loud that the whole case shakes it doesn't happens all the time which worries me, and it's not the High speed RPM that cause this because I even tried to simulated by reading and Writing at 52x and it never made any abnormal loud vibration.

I've had 3 LG burners already and I'm very happy with it should I stick with LG or do you guys think I should give LiteON a chance?
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Postby TheWizard on Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:07 am

Ah, that's different than my scenario then. My case never shook, I just heard some slight vibrations (slightly more than normal) with certain media. That's why I didn't think twice about it. Good thing you exchanged your drive. :)

I'm a loyal LG fan too. That doesn't mean I wouldn't try other brands though. The choice is yours.
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Postby RJW on Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:21 am

Burn2death wrote:RJW wrote:
Based on designs doesn't have to mean not made by there own but in this case it does.

Are you saying that in this case they can say that TDK do make their own drives? well so this means that I can buy a Honda Civic change the seats and do a paint job, stick my name on it I'll call it "Burn2death Car" and say that I made? off course not, it's still a Honda Civic, but my point to this is that not wheather TDK customize other company's drives, my point is that this "Hot shot" Dept Manager talked to me very arrogantly and thinks he knows everything said to me that TDK manufactors their own CD burners, not "redesign" the tray or the firmware or anything of that nature he specifically said that they "Make their own drive" it's very clear what he said or else he would not but argueing with me about it and treat me like I'm insane for insisting that TDK don't make their own drives, and when I said that, I know TDK does change the Tray and the firmware but I'm not going to stand their and give this "know it all Bestbuy employee" a whole run about TDK drives, all you guys on here know what I mean and what he meant.

After I reread my text I saw that you missinterpretated it and that it was my fault because it could be explained two ways.
Let me clarify if TDK had bought Lite On's design and made then the drive which some compannies do then you could say they manufactured it.
The case with the Acer pioneers. Acer builds there own Pioneer 106D on the pioneer design. But they do make them themselves.

But the fact is like we all know that Lite On made the drives for TDK and TDK only tweaked firmware and did quality controle. They didn't manufacture it !

So in your honda case if you would build a car based on a honda design and it was exactly the same but the difference was you made it then you could say that you manufactured a "Burn2death Car" while others would say you just got a Honda. :D

TheWizard Wrote:
Regarding your LG drive, what media were you using when you noticed the vibrations? I heard some vibrations during part of the recording process with my LG drives.

The media could be a Rewriteable or CDR, could be any brand it's never hapens while burning, it could happen when I just put in the CD, could be when I try to access the drive and it could be when I'm not doing anything except looking at it the wrong way, it vibrates so loud that the whole case shakes it doesn't happens all the time which worries me, and it's not the High speed RPM that cause this because I even tried to simulated by reading and Writing at 52x and it never made any abnormal loud vibration.

I've had 3 LG burners already and I'm very happy with it should I stick with LG or do you guys think I should give LiteON a chance?

The noise could come from really bad centrated media. Some drives make a lot of noise with such a media. For one instance my Plextor 24/10/40A is very quiet but with some media it can actually make noise !
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Postby Burn2death on Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:34 am

RJW wrote
So in your honda case if you would build a car based on a honda design and it was exactly the same but the difference was you made it then you could say that you manufactured a "Burn2death Car" while others would say you just got a Honda.

If you put it that way, I would have to agree with you 100%.
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