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Best CD-R for VCD burning to suit most vcd/dvd player.

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Best CD-R for VCD burning to suit most vcd/dvd player.

Postby StephenChew on Mon Jan 19, 2004 3:19 am

Hi, i am newbie here, i face some problem in VCD burning, I use Ricoh to duplicate a VCD using different CD-R, i found my CD-R just can't suit most VCD player, some can go through, and some cannot..so i wonder are there any Best CD-R media available that can suit most VCD/DVD player in the market?

I saw an article in taiwan forum, they say using water blue CD-R media is best suit VCD/DVD player in the market?

is it true?

my email address is :stephen741029@yahoo.com.sg
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Postby pranav81 on Mon Jan 19, 2004 10:46 am

Dear StephenChew,
Hi.The color of the media does not matter.You can use Verbatim/Mitsubishi CD-R's or the one's from Taiyo Yuden are considered to be the best.By the way what is the brand of the CD player?

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Postby StephenChew on Tue Jan 20, 2004 12:37 am

thanks ::Pranav:::

I am using JVC XL-FV323 VCD player, Philips, Panasonic VCD to test my burning VCD, each one gives different result, i am using MATSU blank CD-R, and a Anchen controller 1 to 3 CD-R duplicator to burn disc.

Yesterday i made a test, i use a master disc (Dr. Copy--brand name) test in JVC VCD Player, it can play from start to the end, then i use the Dr. Copy Blank CD-r (same as my master) and burnt with my 1 to 3 duplicator.....i finally put the newly made VCD into my JVC player but it just can't detect the VCD..

Is it my master disc problem or the blank cd-r problem?
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Postby StephenChew on Tue Jan 20, 2004 3:34 am

hi, all:

I saw many people recommend cd-r made by Taiyo Yuden, but when i go to buy cd-r, how to identify the manufactorer of the blank-disc?


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Postby pranav81 on Tue Jan 20, 2004 10:16 am

Dear StephenChew,
Hi.Well...I really dont know if Taiyo Yuden sells CD's under it's brand name.But I have seen CD's from HP,LG and Samsung to be TY's.You will have to buy a CD-R and then pop it in a CD-Writer and run a program like Nero InfoTool or SmartBurn from LiteOn to see who is the manufacturer of the CD-R.
In my opinion best bet is to go and buy Verbatim/Mitsubishi media,as they have always worked flawlessly for many people here,including me.
See ya later,

Last edited by pranav81 on Tue Jan 20, 2004 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Bhairav on Tue Jan 20, 2004 11:04 am

StephenChew wrote:hi, all:

I saw many people recommend cd-r made by Taiyo Yuden, but when i go to buy cd-r, how to identify the manufactorer of the blank-disc?



Stephen,hey. Do you have access to a computer based CDRW drive? Try using that to copy VCDs. Also, as you live in Singapore, try to find "That's" brand CD-Rs. "That's" is the Taiyo Yuden original brand.
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Postby pranav81 on Tue Jan 20, 2004 11:09 am

Dear Bhairav,
Hi.Thanks for that info....I didnt knew that "That's" is the real TY brand.

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Postby Bhairav on Wed Jan 21, 2004 12:08 am

Hey Pranav. No worries, only problem is that there is no TY available in India for love or money!
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Postby TheWizard on Wed Jan 21, 2004 2:02 am

Fuji packages quite a few Taiyo Yuden discs as well, so look to their spindles. If it says "Made in Japan" on the spindle, there is a 99% chance it's Taiyo Yuden.

The only benefit that the "water blue" media offers is a higher likelihood of compatibility, mainly because the blue cyanine dye is older than the silver/greenish pthalocyanine dye. Some older VCD/DVD players may have a tough time reading pthalocyanine discs because the players were made when mostly cyanine discs existed.

I would also recommend trying 74 minute/650MB media. Again, for the same reason as above, 74 minute media is older and, thus, usually more compatible with older VCD/DVD players. I suppose the optimum choice for compatibility with old players is 74 minute cyanine (blue dye) discs. Although, compatibility is never a given. Sometimes you can try all the discs in the world, and a certain VCD/DVD player will not recognize any one of them. :-?
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Postby aristottle on Wed Jan 21, 2004 9:52 am

I have a high end Sony DVp-S570d home dvd player that is about 3 years old and is very picky about what VCD media it will play.The only CD-R media that works other than exspensive CD-RW media is a local house brand of CD-Rs made for A National Canadian Electronics chain called Futureshop. The name of the media is Cicero.

I have a $60.00 Cyberhome dvd300 dvd player that will play everything...( I have not yet found anything that it will not play!)

Last night I was over at a friends place who has a Samsung home DVD player that is only a year old, and his machine would not play the VCD that I burned on mitsumi media.....the exact same media that my Sony won't see either.!

I burned the same movie on Cicero Media, (which works perfect on my Sony!!!), took it back to my friends house and viola!!!! It worked perfect!!!

So, there is a difference, don't ask me why, but some machines will only see some media......while my cheepy Cyberhome DVD player will play anything!!!!!

I hope that this is helpful!!!
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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Jan 21, 2004 10:43 am

is this Cicero media made by Princo ?
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Postby pranav81 on Wed Jan 21, 2004 11:53 am

Dear Bhairav,
Hi.You may want to search for LG media.I know a computer store here which sells jewel cased LG CD-R's for Rs.27/-.They are TY and are rated as 650 MB with blue reflecting surface.
They are good but I get loose Philips(Nanya) discs for Rs.16/- a piece.So I dont go for LG.
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Postby aristottle on Wed Jan 21, 2004 3:54 pm

Yes, the Cicero are made by Princo, but Princos name is not always on them. I bought 3 spindles of 50 at the same time...princos name was on one batch on the inner clear ring, and not on the other two, I opened all three batches and tried burning and playing one VCD from each batch on my Sony machine and they all worked perfect!!!!!!!

A salesman at futureshop told me that he thought the Cicero cdr-s were made by Memorex?????

The nice thing with the Cicero cd-rs is that they are always on sale....I bought 250 of them after Christmas for $75.00 Canadian...that 15.00 for a spindle of 50........I don't have a bad thing to say about them, and I awlays pick them up onsale!!!!!
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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Jan 21, 2004 5:02 pm

yeah, Princo are good on this point: they are playable on old DVD players the won't play any othe CD-R.
the problem is that they are very low quality. you won't be so pleased with them when they start to flake and peel in 4-6 month's time. :o
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Postby Bhairav on Thu Jan 22, 2004 3:17 am

pranav81 wrote:Dear Bhairav,
Hi.You may want to search for LG media.I know a computer store here which sells jewel cased LG CD-R's for Rs.27/-.They are TY and are rated as 650 MB with blue reflecting surface.
They are good but I get loose Philips(Nanya) discs for Rs.16/- a piece.So I dont go for LG.
See ya later,


Awesome! What speed are they rated at? I stocked up on the older 40X HP-TY discs, but these could come in handy in the future.OH, and I suggest you try the Acer/Benq 48X Gold discs. They are 12 rupees a piece here, in loose lots of 10, and I like them.
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Postby pranav81 on Sat Jan 24, 2004 3:29 am

Dear Bhairav,
Hi.Sorry for the late follow up.I will post the the name of the discs.I think the name of the disc is LG CRD-XXX,I dont exactly remember the no. XXX.I will post the number as soon as I get home.The discs are rated as 650MB/74 Minutes at 24X.But I have burnt them successfully at 40XC,never tried to burn at 48X though.By the way the Benq/Acer media here in Solapur costs Rs.16/- a piece.Cheapest is Moser Baer India,just Rs.11/- a piece,though not good qulity.
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Postby Bhairav on Sat Jan 24, 2004 1:41 pm

Thanks a bunch :). Why do you think those MBI discs are bad? I get the 52X Pro discs, burn at full 52X on my 52327S, and C1 error rates are VERY low.. ~1.3-1.4C1, 0C2.
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thanks for your reply..

Postby StephenChew on Sun Jan 25, 2004 1:10 am

Hi all friends,

Thanks for your help on this title, i learn much on it..
Yesterday i try again with my JVC VCD player to test one vcd made by my duplicator, i found that it is not the media problem..

my master vcd can normally played with PBC on or off.
the duplicated vcd can only played with PBC off!!

is it my duplicator firmware need to be update?
or can somebody explain what does PBC mean?why some disc can't played with PBC on?

thanks again you all...

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Postby pranav81 on Sun Jan 25, 2004 3:14 am

Dear Bhairav,
Hi.Is said the MBI disc's are bad because the reflecting layer on the disc's peel's off in couple of places.Though the writer can read the discs without any problmes,same is not the case with CD-ROM's.CD-ROM's give me a lot of trouble when I try reading from MBI discs.I have got only one disc,in which is single file cant read,and that's a critical one.Other discs work flawlessly.
By the way yesterday I saw HP 16X discs for Rs.32/-.A little old but made by Ritek.650 MB,blue reflecting surface.
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Postby RJW on Sun Jan 25, 2004 6:23 am

Because there are some people (including Dutch Magazine PC-active) in Europe who have reported that the media becomes bad after 2/3 years of storage in a darc closet.
Note these are the mostly the MMORE MBIL disc. Now MMORE ussually buys the cheapest crap they can get and are very cheap overall made so it might not say anything for other MBIL media since it can be very good related to the overall manufactureing quality in which third parties for the final upper layer might be involved. MMORE last words were that it was the manufacturer fault and they don't know how it happened and they would try to find it out. MBIL claims it's not there fault and they will also do research themselves to proof it.

However my own experience with MBIL media is mixed. The Emtec Ceram guards 1-24x 80 minutes made by MBIL work quite good. But most other media from MBIL I ran into performed quite poor in the end. What I'm thinkling off is that MBIL sells allmost anything they make. And a lot of companies would then possibly go for the cheapest and worst disc's.
Just the same as with Ritek, CMC and a lot of B brands that use them as manufacturer
They all have shown to make good disc's on occasions. (Yes even CMC has but there quite rare compared to Ritek !) but also something which they shouldn't have put there ATIP code on.
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Postby Spazmogen on Sun Jan 25, 2004 9:50 am


I've used Fuji 80 minute cd-r's and silver generic 99 minute discs, all have played fine in the players I've used.

NOTE: that webpage is no longer updated as I bought a DVD+RW drive shortly afterwards.
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