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When do you end a relationship

Postby MonteLDS on Sat Dec 27, 2003 10:19 pm

no i am not breaking up with Jennifer. I was just listening to


and i just kept making up this parody to it called Date Another Girl
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Postby MonteLDS on Sat Dec 27, 2003 10:44 pm

oh ya

oh ya here it is

I'm gonna break up, yes and no
I'm gonna kiss some other girl
I'm gonna expose your secrets
I'm gonna close this relationship now

I guess, date another girl
I guess, date another girl
I guess, date another girl
I guess, date another girl

I guess, I’ll date another girl
{Another girl}
I guess, I’ll date another girl
{Another girl}
I guess, I’ll date another girl
{Another girl}
I guess, I’ll date another girl

Cynthia Freud
Over Analyze this
Over Analyze this
Over Analyze this

I'm gonna break your heart
I'm gonna shake up emotions
I'm gonna destroy your ego
I'm gonna close this relationship now

Uh, uh

I think I'll find another girl
There's so many more girls you know
I guess I'll date another girl
It's my time to go

For every date, I'll have to pay
I've come to play, I've come to go
I think I'll find another girl
It's my time to go

I'm gonna avoid the drama
I'm gonna suspend your checking account
I'm gonna delay your pleasure
I'm gonna close this relationship now

I guess, date another girl
I guess, I’ll date another girl
I guess, date another girl
I guess, I’ll date another girl

I think I'll find another girl
There's so many more girls you know
I guess I'll date another girl
It's my time to go

Uh, uh


I guess, date another girl
I guess, I’ll date another girl
I guess, date another girl
I guess, I’ll date another girl

Another girl
(repeat six times)
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Postby CowboySlim on Sat Dec 27, 2003 11:26 pm


You've got to stop listening to that Madonna stuff. It's making you sick.

You ought to start listening to the right stuff. Good, wholesome, clean, down home, American music.

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Postby MonteLDS on Sat Dec 27, 2003 11:50 pm

acttually listening to

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Postby Ian on Sun Dec 28, 2003 12:18 am

Ok, I'm not Dr. Phil or anything, but are you and Jennifer really "going out"? Has she stopped seeing other guys? If not, you're free to do what you want.

Monte, next time in Utah I'm taking you out to meet some women.
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Dec 28, 2003 12:30 am

According to the location thing Monte lives in San Fransisco, not Utah.

Whatever your doing in Atlanta sure looks like it has made you tired. :wink:
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Postby F1Pilot on Sun Dec 28, 2003 1:25 am

Ian wrote:Ok, I'm not Dr. Phil or anything, but are you and Jennifer really "going out"? Has she stopped seeing other guys?
Huh. Yeah, Monte...are you and Jen "going out"? I assumed that you guys were an item...especially with all of the nice stuff you've been buying her. I mean, officially going out?

Whatever your doing in Atlanta sure looks like it has made you tired.

Damn. I didn't read the "headlines" about you being in ATL, Ian. Sorry. I would have given you a few things to check out when you were here. :-?
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Postby Turkeyscore.com on Sun Dec 28, 2003 2:42 am

You write that yourself? Good job, better than the original...
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Dec 28, 2003 3:48 am

geez, the beer garden should be re-named the gossip garden! :roll:

well, it could be worse, at least we are all discussing and showing general concern for our fellow users, and not just chatting about what is happening on "the bachelor" or "temptation island" ....I have to put up with that crap EVERY day at work! :o
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Dec 28, 2003 3:49 am

dolphinius_rex wrote:...and not just chatting about what is happening on "the bachelor" or "temptation island" ....I have to put up with that crap EVERY day at work! :o

So what did you guys think of that latest Temptation Island? :wink: :lol:
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Postby Ian on Sun Dec 28, 2003 12:30 pm

aviationwiz wrote:According to the location thing Monte lives in San Fransisco, not Utah.

Utah.. San Fran.. close enough. :wink:
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Postby MonteLDS on Sun Dec 28, 2003 6:24 pm

you guys are all nut balls :wink:

always funny to read what you people have to say.

Ya Ian, SF, SLC.. what is the diffrence? 1000 miles pshhh.. hardly a trip :D

when you are in SF we'll have to go out to Rainforest Cafe for dinner
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Postby F1Pilot on Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:55 pm

Rainforest is cool. That's the one by 39, right? I like the food at Dante's and Pier Market.
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Postby VEFF on Fri Jan 16, 2004 3:56 pm

Regarding the original topic, it looks like my girlfriend and I are at what might * be the final crossroads of our relationship.

We love each other very much and care about each other, but sometimes it just isn't meant to work I suppose.........
Life can be strange. A year ago, I (the same probably goes for her) could never have imagined us not being together...

* we are still not sure what the future holds, but it is looking quite likely
that our relationship will end soon.
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Fri Jan 16, 2004 5:36 pm

Sorry to hear that VEFF. Hope it all works out for the best for the both of you.
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Postby F1Pilot on Fri Jan 16, 2004 7:54 pm

Sorry to hear that VEFF. Relationships can be pretty difficult. Hang in there.
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Postby MonteLDS on Fri Jan 16, 2004 8:30 pm

i am sorry to hear that bud. I of course wish the best for you Veff. I know what you mean when you said "sometimes it just isn't meant to work..." But everything will work out.

Jennifer says that only you can make/keep yourself happy, others only add to it.

and on the other side of the coin is that others can try to subtract it from you, but you can always make up the diffrence
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Postby VEFF on Fri Jan 16, 2004 10:03 pm

Thanks a lot for the support guys!!!
It is very much appreciated! :)

I feel that if it is meant to be, then it will work out (with some effort of course), and if it isn't going to work out (i.e. not meant to be), then it is better to end it sooner rather than later, because the longer it lasts, the harder it will be for both of us.

If we do go our separate ways, I will *never* regret having met her, and I will always cherish all the wonderful times we had.
I view it as another life, and another learning, experience. Besides, she is a wonderful person; it is just that for complicated reasons (I don't think it makes sense to go into the details here) it doesn't seem to be in the cards for us.
At least the decision (we have discussed possibly moving on) is a mutual one, although I can see it will hurt both of us, based on our emotions recently, no doubt due to the strong love we share for one another.

Anyway, thanks again for your concern and wishes!

Here's to a nice holiday weekend starting off, and much happiness for all in 2004!! :)
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Postby wicked1 on Sat Jan 17, 2004 5:08 am

I havent spoken to a woman in 1 1/2 yrs. Since my last girlfriend of 4 years gave up custody of the kids (1 mine gave up at birth :( ) and became a lesbian stripper. I have been in and out of mental health facilities and jobless since. f'ing woman
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Postby ruderacer on Sat Jan 17, 2004 4:10 pm

Well my friends, "life is a box of chocolates and you never know what you're going get", how true. Just remember that when you share time with another, it is never lost time. For every experience we have makes us who we are today. Sometimes no matter how two people care for each other life just gets in the way. I feel for you guys, but always remember that no matter how difficult things become, time has a way to heal all wounds. It may may take us longer than others , but we'll get there. For me, I can say I've there once too many times, but I'm still here hoping for the best. Just remember that it is not how long something lasts, but rather the quality! I have been separated from my spouse for the last three years due to job location and trust me when I say that it is not easy and when we have the time to be together we cherish every nanosecond we're together. Also, remember to live your day as if it is your last, cause it may just be that. Good luck to all of us.
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Postby VEFF on Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:46 pm

Tomorrow is the big day.
I am a bit nervous.
I have asked my girlfriend to come over, so we can talk things through and decide if we will stay together.
It is my decision it seems.

She is going to be very hurt and sad if we do break up, based on our phone chats yesterday.
I feel bad and I will also be sad, but I just want to do what is best for the long run, whathever that is - I still don't know if we will stay together and try to make it work, or break up.

I love her dearly and care very much about her feelings, but I am really not sure what to do (torn between staying together and trying to make it work, or breaking up).
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Postby F1Pilot on Sun Jan 18, 2004 4:35 pm

Either of you considered counseling by a licensed therapist or a pastor? I heard that it works for some couples. Whatever it maybe be, you know you got a bunch of people here hoping for the best for the both of you, VEFF.
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Postby VEFF on Sun Jan 18, 2004 4:51 pm

F1Pilot wrote:Either of you considered counseling by a licensed therapist or a pastor? I heard that it works for some couples. Whatever it maybe be, you know you got a bunch of people here hoping for the best for the both of you, VEFF.

Thanks a lot F1Pilot (and everyone else again).
She has been going to church lately (often with me accompanying her, although I am protestant and she is catholic; the church is catholic).
I don't go to church myself anymore (used to go every week), because I like to worship on my own (i.e. I believe strongly in God all week long, not just Sundays... and I pray a lot, but I don't feel it necessary to do it in church, not that I have anything at all against the church; I just haven't felt the need to go there to show and feel my faith).

Regarding counseling, I haven't mentioned it. I did ask her if she had ever sought therapy for the trauma she suffered on 9/11/01 (sdhe saw people jumping out of the WTC).
Part of the problem is money (she quit her job a few months ago due to stress etc.), but she also doesn't really believe in therapists.
Counseling is a bit different though, so I could mention it.

I will see how tomorrow goes. I might mention it at that point.

Thanks a lot for your support!!!! :)

PS: There is a lot going on, but I feel it is probably inappropriate to discuss all the personal details here, especially since you don't get to hear her side of things.
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Postby F1Pilot on Sun Jan 18, 2004 6:48 pm

I'm not at all into church, but if anything, am like you...don't believe you need to be in church to "do my thing". As far as the financial part of therapy, maybe the church can help with the counseling. It'll even be a little more up her/your alley since she's been going to church more lately. Who knows, right? :roll:
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Sun Jan 18, 2004 7:00 pm

I'm with you F1. My wife goes to church every week. But I'm too tired to go after all the travel.

Our church is too modern for my taste as well. They have singing bands and all that stuff, which is too hip for me :)

Today's lazy Sunday for me. I'm watching this cool movie titled "Samurai Fiction". Anyone seen this one?
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