MediumRare wrote:You may want to have a look at this thread: verbatim cdr/rw vary in quality.
My personal experience is essentially "it doesn't matter much where they're made". You may get a some variation from batch to batch, though.
dolphinius_rex wrote:Or even within the same spindle....
RJW wrote:Never buy verbatim spindles if you want specific media from specific factories or places. It won't be the first time that someone half way founds that the DVD's are carrying CMC mid codes and not MCC mid codes. For this reason only use Verbatim media in cases.
asdzxc wrote:Does anyone have any thoughts/experiences as to which is the Better Quality one ?? Taiwan or EU Origin ??
RJW wrote:I wouldn't prefer crystal coating.
Since it's more sensitive for UV.
Normal white printables are not sensitive for UV but crystals are !
Still the black coating could solve this.
Most MCC media I spot these days is the 52x Super azo made inside MBIL factories.
And why would you rate these the best media ?
What error levels do you get on them ?
Since so far the best MCC azo disc's I have had were 16x Metalized AZO from taiwan. However the batch showed quite some variations in quality.
A lot of users have reported problems with black verbatim media(vinyl) coated then again they used a Lite On as a writer !
The metal azo is one of the oldest Azo dye technology.Today it has already been superceeded by the Super Azo and the Sonic Azo dyes which looks more towards the cyanine family type.
RJW wrote:This wouldn't be smart. First MCC invents the AZO dye as a better sollution when compared to cyanine and pthalocyanine. AZO was invented to have the power calibration aspects of Cyanine and the durability of pthalocyanine. So going towards cyanine is a bad thing. Unless you mean the colour. Newer AZO media is lighter blue and looks more like TY cyanine dye. Still it's completely different technology.
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