Thanks bhairavp!
My two cell phones so far have both been Nokia phones (6160 from early 1999 and a 8290 from early 2001).
I haven't had any real problems.
Battery life has been somewhat disappointing though.
The battery life on my current phone (8290) is way down now.
The back cover, when removed, on my 8290 is also the MOST flimsy thing of all the products I have ever owned. It is so thin that it is extemely easy to break. Mine actually has a LITTLE rectangular cutout missing because of that. Not a real big deal. I understand they want to make the phone as small as possible.
The 8290 itself is VERY solid though:
1) On (at least) two occasions it has dropped from waist high onto the cement/tarmac without any side effects.
I did replace it once a while ago (the plastic next to the screen got a small hairline crack after a fall, but it still worked fine); I could have kept it, but someone suggested I get a free replacement (in case)...
2) This is pretty funny I think.
It fell in the snow during the 2nd of this season's two snowstorms ( a small storm is expected tonight into tomorrow morning) because the belt clip while solid, doesn't have a hook on the end like my previous one which got so tattered that I had to replace it. Becuase it doesn't have the hook, there are times when my jacket's realtively tight waist band will pull the phone (and my portable FM radio) up, resulting in the item dropping...
4 - 5 hours later I realized I didn't have it when I went to make a call.
I couldn't find it in the house or in the car. Then my gf called it from my place while I was out by the car.
I heard this faint ringing coming from under the snow, and almost though I was going crazy 
Then the ringing stopped. I went upstairs to my place and asked her to dial it again. This time we found it completelt buried under an inch or two of fresh snow. It still works fine. I just had to dry it off a bit near the contacts. What saved me is 1) it was in the case (which protected the buttons ) and 2) that it was buried in the snow, under the edge of the trunk, so the freezing rain didn't get to it.
'They' instead of 'Then'
'Feel' instead of 'Fell'