Yeah, installing the 3-D drivers is a major pain in the butt. In that sense, SuSE is very nice: it installs them for you durning the install.
The normal system updates are a snap; Mandrake Update works great, at least in 9.1. I had a couple of problems with the updater in 9.2 on my system; but looking over the forums at I didn't see anyone else with the same problems. For me the updater wiped out my menu's - it showed zero apps. And with no terminal, or any other way to start programs, I was basically screwed.
Personally I like 9.1 better than 9.2. But I sure do miss 9.2's SMP kernel!! Hyperthreading is basically useless right now. Gotta find a way to enable SMP in 9.1...
If Linux can get the drivers and software installs as slick and easy as Windows-Microsoft is in real trouble. Hopefully ReactOS will advance to a release canidate very quickly!!
Soon to be proud user of Mandrake 10 (again!). SuSE 9 sucks!