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PDF to RTF/DOC conversion.

Postby pranav81 on Tue Jan 06, 2004 2:36 pm

Dear fellows,
So,what I would like to know is that,is there any standalone software
that can convert .PDF documents to .RTF/.DOC format with 100% accuracy.
I know SolidConverterPDF,but it is not quite accurate.I tried Drake 6.0,
which is good,but the font size is not same over the converted document.
Both the software's that I tried were trial versions.Also Drake is too
costly at $ 199!!
Also are there any .DOC converter plugins which work with Acrobat 5?I need 100% accuracy with conversion.
Waiting for a lots of helpful posts,

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Postby NoSmartz on Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:44 pm

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Postby pranav81 on Wed Jan 07, 2004 9:56 am

Dear NoSmartz,
Hi.I will check the link out as soon as I get home.By the way,do you have any idea about the accuracy of the software's given below?
Thanks a lot for the reply,

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Postby NoSmartz on Wed Jan 07, 2004 10:42 am

says it doesn't support "Embedded" fonts.This takes away from accuaracy.
This one has examples that show the difference between the original .pdf and the the newely converted .doc.Looks the same.Accuracy looks good.

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Postby pranav81 on Wed Jan 07, 2004 10:54 am

Thanks dude,
I wil check that out and let you know the results.
Thanks a lot.

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Postby pranav81 on Wed Jan 07, 2004 2:54 pm

Dear guys,
Hi there.I have to convert a lot of .PDF documents to .DOC.So I would
like to know that which software allows batch conversion,so that I may start the conversion when I go to sleep in the night and find the conversion complete when I wake up in the morning?
Waiting for some posts...
Thanks in advance,

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Postby pranav81 on Wed Jan 07, 2004 3:36 pm

Hi guys,
I found that PDF2Word does batch convert documents.But the trial version does not allow that.I will see if it's accuracy is good and then buy it.It's cheaper than Drake,which costs 199 $.
See ya guys later,

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Postby NoSmartz on Wed Jan 07, 2004 5:38 pm

Yeah I don't mess with PDF too much but I can always find something about something online!!!!!There's probably more apps that can do it also.
Try these links too.It maybe somethin' your lookin' for?
This link and post below was a quote from somewhere online but never the less,here it is.
I found this software at Download.com called LeadTools ePrint - which can convert 140 file formats. It's a 12.9 MB download, and can be found here. It suits your PDF-to-DOC conversion need, and also supports RTF, HTML, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG, etc.

Here's also more stuff like an acrobat plugin that converts pdf to doc.http://bcl-computers.com/ It's called BCL Jade
Another app called Gemini which converts pdf to doc. http://www.iceni.com/geminiSet.html
Check em out and see if it's what your lookin' for.

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Postby pranav81 on Thu Jan 08, 2004 1:26 am

Dear NoSmartz,
You have helped me a lot by posting the URL's.I will surely check out the software pointed by you and let you know the rest.Of all the software's I tested BCL Drake had the best accuracy of about 100%.But I will see some other before I buy it.As I told you earlier it's too costly.
Thanks a lot again,

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Postby NoSmartz on Thu Jan 08, 2004 12:31 pm

Happy to help. :D

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
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Postby integspec on Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:49 am

Usually, regardless of which application you use, PDF to any other format conversion is always lossy. By lossy I mean, it will loose format settings, drop words (because of fonts mismatches) among other things.

PDF2WORD is a good choice but be sure to proof read all your conversions. Most of the apps come close but nothing is 100%.

Good luck.
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Postby pranav81 on Fri Jan 09, 2004 9:40 am

Dear integspec,
Hi.Thanks for the info.By the way if you get any info on any software that can reach nearby 100% accuracy,please let me know.I think I will stick with PDF2Word for now as it is only 40$ as compared to 200$ for Drake.
Thanks a lot guys,

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Postby pranav81 on Fri Jan 09, 2004 9:45 am

H guys,
By the way,would there be any difference if I install some Acrobat plugin instead of standalone software?I ask this because if I use some plugin,then I would be able to save in .RTF/.DOC format directly from Acrobat only,and that would mean fewer error's if it is saved by Acrobat using the plugin.I have read about BCL Jade,from the link given by NoSmartz.
See you soon guys,

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Postby integspec on Fri Jan 09, 2004 2:53 pm

I have tried saving directly from Acrobat writer, but still there has always been formatting mismatches. I believe it will be slightly difficult to retain the format but you can have good results with text.

Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an hermitage;
If I have freedom in my love,
And in my soul am free,
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Enjoy such liberty. - Richard Lovelace
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Postby pranav81 on Fri Jan 09, 2004 4:17 pm

Hi guys,
the documents I wanted to convert are .PDF documents which are formed by scanning text materials on a scanner.So whichever software I use,the alignment is always messed up and the characters always overlap each other.Basically the documents are engineering texts and my professors want to include some changes in them and cut out some part of them which is not included in our syllabus.There are some diagrams that cant be taken directly in the .DOC.
Normal .PDF documents are converted flawlessly by any good software
like Drake,SolidPDF,etc.,but they cant recognise scanned text easily.
Anyway,I think that I will quit from that work.
Thanks a lot guys for trying to help me out.
See ya all later,

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