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Yesbuy 8x DVD media?Wha?????


Yesbuy 8x DVD media?Wha?????

Postby NoSmartz on Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:36 pm

I read a post the other day saying that Yesbuy.com had some 8x DVD media for sale at a good price.I've never heard of the brand so I decided to contact them to ask what brand they were.Here's their response to me:
Dear Customer,
The brand of the DVD+R 8x is a generic brand which is called our Sky Brand, it is our household brand and is maufactured in Hong Kong. Then item code is 11-0110. Thank you

Didn't tell me much so I went to DVDRhelp.com and found there brand of media.http://www.dvdrhelp.com/dvdmedia.php?dvdmediasearch=sky&dvdmediadvdridsearch=&type=6&size=All&dvdburnspeed=All&searchdvdwriter=&searchdvdwriterfirmware=&searchdvdplayer=&order=Name&search=Search+or+List+Media
I have never heard of most of the media codes listed.Is anyone familiar with this media code or company that makes em.Are they any good?

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Postby RJW on Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:59 pm

Hmm don't trust it.
Why first the sky at dvdrhelp is a mix of the swedish brand and the honkong.
Now the swedish factory brand makes there own media.
And has the sky and plasmon stampers.

The other one has used fake Maxell id stampers. The fake maxell media is really poor.

I also have my doubts of being it real 8x media since so far only Mitsubishi/Verbatim seems to be able to ship 8x media limited and offcourse we still have the claims of Ritek. But with Ritek no store has proven to be able to sell the right media at this time. This might change in the upcomming week. If average quality manufacturers allready have problems with makeing 8x media, then the cheap hongkong manufacturers will not be able to do it.

So stay away from these.
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Postby jsl on Tue Jan 06, 2004 6:49 pm

RJW wrote:Hmm don't trust it.
Why first the sky at dvdrhelp is a mix of the swedish brand and the honkong.
Now the swedish factory brand makes there own media.

Sweden != Switzerland ;) Sky Media is a Swiss company, http://www.skymediamanufacturing.com/
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Postby NoSmartz on Tue Jan 06, 2004 8:24 pm

Yeah,I had never heard of those media companies.I usually stick with MCC,TDK,Ritek,Ricoh etc...Sometimes Prodisc.Definately not Princo,CMC etc...I'd figured it'd be to good to be true for that pricing.I'll just wait for the Verbatim's to come down to $1.00 a piece.yeah right!!!

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue Jan 06, 2004 9:59 pm

NoSmartz wrote:Yeah,I had never heard of those media companies.I usually stick with MCC,TDK,Ritek,Ricoh etc...Sometimes Prodisc.Definately not Princo,CMC etc...I'd figured it'd be to good to be true for that pricing.I'll just wait for the Verbatim's to come down to $1.00 a piece.yeah right!!!


At this point I believe CMC DVDs are safer then Prodisc... :-?
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Postby NoSmartz on Tue Jan 06, 2004 10:17 pm

check out this link for Prodisc.Tooooo much generic stuff in there for me to go with Prodisc.You are correct.I like their cd-r's(no probs) but not for DVD±R media.I just haven't had the best luck with CMC.

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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:20 am

I bought Sky 99 min. CD-R media from them. It was Ritek...
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Postby RJW on Wed Jan 07, 2004 6:22 am

jsl wrote:
RJW wrote:Hmm don't trust it.
Why first the sky at dvdrhelp is a mix of the swedish brand and the honkong.
Now the swedish factory brand makes there own media.

Sweden != Switzerland ;) Sky Media is a Swiss company, http://www.skymediamanufacturing.com/

Oops Yes I screwed up on that one.

dolphinius_rex wrote:
At this point I believe CMC DVDs are safer then Prodisc...

Yes they are prodisc is really crap when it comes to DVD recordables just like MITSUI/CSI. These guys make crap disc's and have very poor support to the drive manufacturers.
CMC on the other hand:
A Has still a to bad reputation
B Sometimes a to rough quality controle on the non recording disc aspects of the media.

Don't buy any verbatim you see if you want to avoid CMC since there is a lot of CMC taiwanese verbatim media floating arround these days.
The disc's are quite okay if your drive supports CMC media good that is.
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