I am about to purchase a DVD bruner, and am thinking about either the Oprorite DD0401, the I/OMagic IDVDRW8D, or the NEC 2500A. They each seem to have their advantages and disadvantages, and seem to be prices similarly (about $140 or so). Does anyone have any recommendation either way, and if so, why?
Some quick questions:
I was wondering what software does each of them come with?
I have been only looking at drives that are multi format (+ and -). Is one format really better than another, and I would be better off focusing on a drive that only burns in one format? If so, what format, and what drive would you recommend. The DVD's I burn will ideally be used to play in DVD players. I will generally be burning videos that I make from my camcorder. My computer is a little slow (800Mhz) so I don't know if that will factor into it.
Also, would I be better off getting a "slower" 4x drive, but has a "brand name" (Plextor, Pioneer, Sony, etc) and presumably better quality? What sort of real time difference will the DVD recording speed make?
Lastly, are there any other 8x drives on the horizon that would warrant my holding off on a purchase? I only can spend about $150 or so at most, so if something new is coming out that is $250, that really isn't in my price range.