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Plextor PX-708A or Sony DRU-510A


Plextor PX-708A or Sony DRU-510A

Postby lrtrees on Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:08 pm

:-? I am looking into adding a DVD writer to my computer and am hoping for some helpfull suggestions?!
I have listed the two writers I am interested in and would appreciate feedback on either or both.
I know that the Sony has a 8meg buffer whereas the Plextor in only 2, but should that matter?

Thankyou for any help and/or suggestions!

Lon :-?
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Postby Ian on Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:10 pm

Why not the Sony DRU-530A? It's more on par with the Plextor drive.

And no, the buffer size really doesn't make a difference in the end. Most DVD writers have a 2MB buffer.
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Postby lrtrees on Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:29 pm

Ian, I am most likely wrong, but I was under the impression that the 530 may not be as good as the 510. Am I mistaken ?

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Postby Ian on Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:32 pm

Our review of the 530A is coming very soon so all questions will be answered. However, I will say this. While the buffer is smaller, the 530A is an improvement over the 510A in almost all regards. It's faster when writing to both CD's and DVD's. My only beef with the drive is that it doesn't write to 4x DVD+R media at 8x.
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Postby RJW on Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:55 pm

Point is however that I won't recommend it as long as it's just another downgraded OEM. Sony really has a good hand like HP to ruine firmwares and to give worse firmware support.
So can anyone give me answer while people should choose Sony over Optorite (or MSI ) ?
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