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MSI DR4-A @$115 or Pioneer 106 @$121?


MSI DR4-A @$115 or Pioneer 106 @$121?

Postby Alelanza on Sun Jan 04, 2004 7:44 am

Hi guys, newbie here.
I'm deciding between those 2 options. I read at Anadtech the MSI is pretty much a Sony dru-510. However I read a post of someone saying it was a 106. Do you know about this?
To me the real plus for the MSI is the HD-burn capability, not a huge plus but something to consider if it's the same drive (106). If it's not the same drive I would be leaning towards the pioneer as I hear it''s very forgiving with all kinds of media and it's pretty good all around.
What you think?
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Postby dhc014 on Sun Jan 04, 2004 8:03 am

The MSI is not like the Sony 510A at all. It is an Sanyo manufactured drive like the Optorites. I'd get the Pioneer.
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Postby RJW on Sun Jan 04, 2004 9:47 am

2 months ago I bought the Pioneer A06/106D. Now I could have bought the optorite/MSI drive or some fancy Lite On 4x burner. Point is that the Pioneer doesn't feel as cheap as these to and seems to perform better with most media.
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Postby Alelanza on Sun Jan 04, 2004 11:11 am

thanks a lot guys. Will get the pioneer then. Is $121 good? It's on newegg.com. I found it slightly cheaper at avlogic.com but I've never bought from them. ANy thougths?
Would ritek 4x media work fine with this one? what about the pioneer media, piodata is it?
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Postby RJW on Mon Jan 05, 2004 8:26 am

Pioneer is not Piodata.
Piodata is media made by Lead Data (pioneer Oem manufacturer)
Now the difference is that it uses Lead Data's dye + mid code (which is less good supported) and has Lead Data's quality controle procedure.

This media is inferior to the real Pioneer disc's.
While the might come out of the same factory the quality is really not the same.
Pioneer media is better supported, Performs better in so called accelerated ageing tests. Is better constructed (Piodata is sometimes rough made like all Lead Data disc's)

About Ritek the Pioneer a06 can burn these. But I'm not happy with G04/R01 & R02 media because there is to much poor media with these codes floating arround. Some of them are really good but some others are really bad. Just like it allways is with Ritek. A lot of other (A06) users are very happy with this media because playback is excellent. One thing if your going to buy Ritek media never buy overprinted media since this is most times quite inferior media !

If you mean the ricohjpn midcoded DVD+R made by Ritek then I can recommend them
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