Dartman wrote:Double check that your Buffer under run protection is till enabled with the 811 as mine defaulted to off for some reason. You might also want to check that UDMA 2 is enabled on the IDE channel it's on. I spose the program that came with it should work great, I never installed it. Others use record NOW I think with good results.
The HSOE firmware seems pretty good, the newer one gave me more errors with my cheap RITEKGO4 media.
I don't know why you got the error messages, XP said detecting new device and there it was. I did also have to remove and let it reinstall the IDE channel mine was on because it was in PIO only mode but it seems to be sorted out pretty good now.
It seems to create CD's with VERY low errors.
Dartman wrote:I knew someone would post it
Dartman wrote:Try http://www.vcdhelp.com and poke around. they have all kinds of info and links that should help you out.
Rockymaru wrote:Anyways, ripping took something like 4-5 min's, and the total burn time, at 4X DVD+R (the free blank disk that comes packaged) was 14:01. Not too shabby. If I am not mistaken, Spaceballs is in total just a wee bit over 4.5GB. Now I need some 8X DVD+R's!!! Assuming I had an 8X disk and burned at said speed, I would obviously assume it would burn in or around 7 minutes.
Dartman wrote:The Memorex media is very problematic. one spindle will be the best stuff you ever tried, the next form the same manufacturer will be crap so it's kinda a lottery with those. They also use several different makers so you never know from batch to batch. Hopefully you'll get some of the first quality Ricohs they get instead of the seconds. Also our drive's may be a bit more forgiving of bad media, maybe not.
aviationwiz wrote:Actually,
It would take roughly somewhere between 8 and 8 and a half minutes, because it doesn't write at 8x throughout the whole disk.
Dartman wrote:If it's taking 10 minutes you might be hitting the buffer a bit or like you said it dropped speed or didn't upshift right away.
Many of us use Nero and there is a mod to make it show actual write speed while burning, which is very handy for seeing what is really going on during the burn. Mine usually starts at 6x then upshifts somewhere in the burn to 8x if everythings going right.
Sometimes it starts at 4x for a tiny bit but mostly 6x to 8. Actual speed is 5.9 to 7.9 with a bit of up down float as it writes.
All I know is it was a thrill to get away with a burn on the flyat 8x in under 8 minutes and never hit the buffer once except for the 6 to 8 upshift. Unfortunately it was too fast for the media and didn't workThat was a single layer disk so it read faster then a dual will.
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