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Does Sound take much space?


Does Sound take much space?

Postby Mr. Birger on Fri Jan 02, 2004 1:06 pm

If I want to rip a movie, let's say The Lords of the Rings - The Two Towers, and that movie has 3 audio tracks, say Dolby Digital EX 5.1, DTS ES 6.1 and Stereo Surround Sound, how much space does the audio tracks need on the DVD I want to make?

Does the audio take much place on a DVD so to get the best image quality I have to disable Dolby Digital EX 5.1 and DTS ES 6.1 and just keep Stereo Surround Sound when I rip the film or does'nt it matter that much?

Thanks in advance.
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Postby Ian on Fri Jan 02, 2004 1:27 pm

Why rip out the DTS and Dolby Digital? The sound is one of the best parts of a DVD movie!
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Postby Mr. Birger on Fri Jan 02, 2004 1:39 pm

Well, I've already got that movie on original DVDs, I'm just wondering if the sound takes much place on a DVD?
And if it's a good idea to take away some of the sound tracks when I have to shrink a movie so it could fit on one DVD or if it does'nt matter that much?
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Postby burninfool on Fri Jan 02, 2004 3:41 pm

DTS sounds the best,takes up the most space(1509kbps) but not all DVD players can decode.
AC3 5.1ch sounds very good,is supported by all DVD players and is smaller(384 or 448kbps) than DTS.
AC3 2ch sounds good,is supported by all DVD players and is the smallest(192 or 224kbps).
When I have a choice I select AC3 5.1ch-English and pitch the rest(unless the directors comments are interesting).
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Re: Does Sound take much space?

Postby thegdog on Fri Jan 02, 2004 8:01 pm

Mr. Birger wrote:If I want to rip a movie, let's say The Lords of the Rings - The Two Towers, and that movie has 3 audio tracks, say Dolby Digital EX 5.1, DTS ES 6.1 and Stereo Surround Sound, how much space does the audio tracks need on the DVD I want to make?

Does the audio take much place on a DVD so to get the best image quality I have to disable Dolby Digital EX 5.1 and DTS ES 6.1 and just keep Stereo Surround Sound when I rip the film or does'nt it matter that much?

Sound will have a huge impact. Even though they are compressed sound files, they are still quite large.

The best thing to do is open the DVD in DVD Shrink 3.0 B5. It will tell you how big each sound file is. The normal rule of thumb that I have seen is that a DD 5.1 track is about twice as large as a DD 2.0 track. A DTS track is about twice as large as a DD 5.1 track. However, it all depends on the bitrate used for the audio, so this is just for guesstimating. DVD Shrink can give you the exact figures.
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Postby thegdog on Fri Jan 02, 2004 8:04 pm

Ian wrote:Why rip out the DTS and Dolby Digital? The sound is one of the best parts of a DVD movie!

Well, if you're trying to compress (via a transcoder) a 2 1/2 hour movie (with lots of action) to fit on a single DVD recordable, having both a high bitrate Dolby Digital and DTS sound track included will make the video quality far less than DVD standard.

I'm not sure great sound and VCD quality video is a good compromise. :)
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