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Force Formatting DVD minus RW Discs ?


Force Formatting DVD minus RW Discs ?

Postby vanam on Wed Dec 31, 2003 9:07 am

Hi all,

Does any one know of a program to force format DVD minus RW disc.
I recently bought a LG DVD 4040B DVD/Ram/+ & - burner which came with B's Recorder Gold, NeoDVD and B's Clip for UDF formats.

I tried to burn a small test DVD rip onto a DVD-RW disc using the B's Recorder Gold program and the dam thing froze in burning the lead out.

Rebooted the system and inserted the disc which could not be recognised in the computer burning the disc. Also checked it in my second PC and also came up with the same result No Disc.
Tried to reformat with B's Clip reformat section and still no recognise!
Is this disc $%#^%'d or is there a way to force format the disc.

Tried 2 more Lazer DVD-RW X 4 discs with the same problem.
Enough was enough and uninstalled the programs apart from the B's Clip.
Installed Ahead Nero v6.3.0.0 Ultra Edition and tried to reformat. Still no :( joy. I can only asume the discs are screwed up unless someone out in internet world can assist.
Had no problem buring a full movie (Erin Brokovich) [movie only - no compression] using DVD Shrink v 3 beta and using Nero DVD section to burn to disc. Perfect copy.
1/2 hour to rip and 28 minutes to burn. Plays great in my stand alone LG DVD player.
Also copied the full movie again with DVD Shrink v3 beta, high compression this time which took 2 hrs to encode and 28 minutes to burn.
Perfect copy again, Everything the same as the original. Menu, chapters etc. Lazer DVD-R 4 x this time.
If some one can assist, I would really appreciate a reply.

Thanks in advance.

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Postby Ian on Wed Dec 31, 2003 2:09 pm

I ran into a similar problem a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, I haven't found a good solution yet because my DVD-RW discs are still messed up. You could try DVit.DINFOpro (www.dvdinfopro.com) and do an erase with it.
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Postby Dartman on Wed Dec 31, 2003 4:10 pm

DVDinfopro fixed some damaged or messed up plus rw disks for me also so it would be a good thing for you to try and there is a free add ware version to download.
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DVD-RW Force Formatting

Postby vanam on Wed Dec 31, 2003 11:41 pm

Thanks for the information re dvdinfopro. Downloaded the program and inserted the Lazer Media.
DVDinfoPro showed that in could not read any media. This with all of the faulty DVD-RW discs.

Notice dvdinfopro also has a forum at http://www.dvdrrw.org/

May try this forum also for some answers. Otherwise may have to accept the fact that the discs are screwed.

Thanks for your assistance so far, but if by chance you may come across an answer please let me know via this forum link.

Have a happy new year were ever you guys are in the world.


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