I have seen the effect which Dolphinius_Rex is talking about.
However I have seen it only twice that a disc with a low error rate in K-probe showed playback problems. Still the disc was measured on a 401S and I still believe that a real 411S seems to do better as the first 401S drives. (At least the models in my neighbourhood do.)
I wil have to check which disc it was.
Now these were 2 disc's a long with the disc's that don't show a reason why they shouldn't work in a X-BOX samsung drive. It makes me have my doubts that we can say a disc is good or bad just based on K-probe. If then some sources say it isn't and come with a very good explanation what might be wrong then I think that it doens't do it.
Now based on the info from different sources it looks like everything can be brought back if we need Tracking and HF-signal info.
Which K-probe can not give us at the moment. And for me that's the reason why I say K-probe isn't good enough.
What I can say is that for the 411S itself K-probe does represent it's reading ability quite good. In most cases the software matches
the performance given by the drive. For the 401S and modded 401S to 411S it looks to be worse.
So what are we going to do next !
Since rd_grimes and OC-FREAK can not proof it works or not and my info is mostly based on info I got third parties. We can continue this discussion forever. Like I said befor.
rd_grimes and OC-FREAK can proof that the behaviour matches there Lite On DVD drives reading behaviour and I can use the proof of the non working X-Box disc's and some other proof of the magazines and the experience Rex and I have seen.
So it can continue as long till there are no DVD's burned on this planet.
Unless we can meassure something with some better equipement that is.
So what we need is some results from profesional Analyzers. GEEZ We all know that will some people say. But how do we get some disc's measured on such device ? Well 3 Options here.
A Get ourself a Analyzer. A little bit to expensive I think. Specially if it shows K-probe works excellent. Which I don't think but you never know
So this one will be not a option I think ! So we're stuck ? Nope !
B Knock on the door of Audiodev/Datarius or someone else with a profesional analyzer that gives us HF signal and tracking info to proof what we want. However I think they wouldn't do this for free.
This one can turn out quite expensive. Still it's a option which could be possible.
C Knock on the door from some magazine and convince them to do the test with a little help and advise from our side to make sure that everything goes right and it is tested in the correct way.
Now our best change is C I think. So I'm going to try and see what's possible.
In the most negative case we only need 2 disc's to proof K-probe isn't good enough at the moment. One burned with a older firmware and one burned with the latest. The first one needs not to play back on a X-box Samsung drive and the second one should which will not be a problem with the new firmware. If it shows a difference in tracking or HF signal for disc 1 and a not much higher error rate as disc 2 then we know K-probe is not reliable.
I think it might be interresting to open a new topic or use this topic on the way how we would like to test it just to make sure that everybody will acccept the outcome.
I would also like to test the new UM docter if possible that is just to see how it performs a long with the Lite ON's and the profesional analyzers.
But first we need to find out what is possible and how to do it.